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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m undefined? 😟

    Otherwise known as managing success. Once you have a successful cash flow you need to diversify it and build your business to have multiple cash flows.

    Semantics I guess. Di-worse-ification isn’t always the answer. They had a large product lineup, which was probably more expensive for them than it needed to be. They went under because they failed to fortify their balance sheet… rates went up and their debt crushed them.

    Capitalism works fine just turning a profit while plenty of companies die chasing growth. It’s just part of it.

  • I wouldn’t be so sure. I believe great managers could take it over and rescue it today, but they don’t have great managers, the place is run by idiots. It might survive in the manner Digg survived.

    They just made it a lot harder to moderate by sparking an angry powder keg like they did, let alone killing all the mod tooling. That was better than what they’ve managed to produce in almost 20 years. They’ve also lost many of the moderators who weren’t doing it for the money (at least not reddit’s money). They can always hire new moderators, but that’s yet another expense on the earnings statement.

    If they can get all the spam and hate posts under control it’s going to be a repost farm and OP will not surely deliver anymore.

    From where I’m standing it appears they’ve been given an ultimatum by VC investors who are hellbent on selling whether they lose their asses at the bottom or not.