The internet has created the opportunity to come together but the internet doesn’t do the talking.
The internet has created the opportunity to come together but the internet doesn’t do the talking.
The meme also implies that getting along still keeps you locked in. Yet how else could we achieve a better society.
See, it works
Now would be a good time to find a way to heal a sociopathic, narcistic asshole.
Thanks. I should have known.
To your believes: Welcome to the end of the Sovjet Union.
We are living in a consumer society because people want to be free without being free. Which interestingly allows ‘libertarians’ to exist because common workers don’t want to be quotation-mark-free libertarians and defend their freedom.
I like how the development of the word makes your point. The word lost its meaning and became kind of an insult. How can the working class not be grifted when they lose the words to analyze their situation?
The problem with is that the ‘libertarians’ of today will become the officers and ministers of So instead of calling them ‘libertarians’ we should call them something else or everything will stay the same just with new names.
Then they are not libertarians but something else. This doesn’t make those people less problematic, though.
As the name implies, libertarians want to be free. rules by law which prohibits what you are allowed to do and thus think, thus limiting freedom. has no laws, just costs, which can be restructured by a single person. Thus the person feels free.
Wouldn’t it be funny if that broken spirit is by intention because the possibilities of the internet are big enough that a motivated youth could change everything?
Is it that clear? What is the problem and what would be your aproach to a solution?
Or Eastrussia. It’s a continuous territory if Canada is also included. Which could explain the desire for Canada as the 51th state.
The profit comes from SpaceX and Starlink.
Everything else is, including Trump. This is the real deal.
People already worried then. There was no need for the law to grand this power. We don’t need laws if wo rely on people to be just.
En contraire. Europe is split off Asia where the center of civilisation will be soon. Not a problem for the USA because they have their west coast.
Why don’t we pity adults in the same situation?
The laws haven’t changed. This didn’t start three months ago.
Joke aside, this is a good question.
Smithers, is that you?
And yet they call it bleaching and not dying