I mod a worryingly growing list of communities. Ask away if you have any questions or issues with any of the communities.

I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I knew what I wanted, but the details changed as I went. These are wargaming pieces. I knew I wanted gross cultists, so the weird skin growths were easy, I initially wanted something like tricorn hats but that turned into simple cloth with eyeholes draped over their heads.

    The witch was the hardest. I’m converting a male Celtic warrior into a female witch in a completely different pose.

    My sculpting is very rudimentary, but the aesthetic of this wargame is dirty and muddy, so I am hoping to cover my sculpting with layers of grimy paint.

    In progress:

  • I’m both posting as high output as I feasibly can of OC, and aggregating links from blogs and creators I follow to !tabletopminis@lemmy.world, as a way to minimize reddit content.

    !wargaming@lemmy.world is also full of links to articles and blog content relevant to the hobby that isn’t ripped from reddit.

    !warhammer40k@lemmy.world has a small but regular community.

    So many people complain about dead niche communities or niche communities only recycling reddit content. If that same energy was put in service to making new content, the communities would be improved. There is a bystander problem where loads of people complain, but if you check the profiler of the complainer, you often find few to no posts.