• 71 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • Each section of the binary number represents a different component needed to construct the number 300. It uses clever math to be able to represent decimals. It’s like asking you whether a number is positive or negative, then the position of the decimal point, then what the digits are.


    The first 0 means the number is positive. The number formed by the next eight bits (the exponent) and the number from the remaining bits (the mantissa) multiply to get 300.

    The exponent bits choose the value of N in the formula 2N-127 . For the mantissa, we start with the number 1, then each “1” bit starting from the left adds to it 0.5, then 0.25, and so on. Specifically, we have 28×1.171875.

  • It’s also great for SEO. You get to cram more keywords so Googlebot can pick up on your recipe and think it’s a substantial page instead of spam. You link to and from your other recipes to build up credibility and potentially entice a visitor to stay longer by having them check out your other recipes. Most sites have basically zero dedicated followers and rely on search engine in-links for visitors, so they really want to catch the people who are doing a month of meal prep or something.