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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • “Why do members of this oppressed group side with oppressors” is a perennial question, like why are there so many Republican women when Republicans generally are anti-woman…

    The answer is usually something like, if you’re high on the totem pole in several ways the fact that you’re not high on the totem pole in all ways might not matter so much to you.

    If you’re rich, straight, cis, and male, but not white, you get a lot out of being rich and male and straight and cis, so you may support the group that protects the interests of rich, straight, male people, even though they might not be nice to black people, the fact that you’re on the same page on so many other axes means at least they’ll usually treat you OK cause you’re one of them in so many other ways.

    See also: middle class white cis straight women, or Log Cabin republicans, or whatever.

    Also: poor white straight cis men.

  • Just to be clear, which firefish server did you join?

    I just checked out the main server (firefish.social) and there wasn’t any transphobic content in the “Global” or “Local” section.

    I’m wondering if you ended up on a really toxic right-wing fediverse instance, that happens to use Firefish as its software, and so the Firefish main site stupidly/ignorantly listed it as a possible place to sign up. If that’s the case they need to get rid of it.

  • I’ve been using DuckDuckGo since, at least 2010, maybe earlier. If its results aren’t up to snuff, I’m not aware of that because they’re what I’m used to. I fall through to Google ( !g) if I think there might be more out there. The bang commands are so good. I use DDG as my main search in my search bar and then I can use the bang commands to get to whatever specialized search I want from there. It’s a meta-search-engine.

  • “Biden remains the top contender among Democrats, however, and Trump’s lead over the other GOP contenders widened following his federal indictment earlier this month.”

    Given that one is the clear favorite among Democrats, and the other is the favorite among Republicans, it’d be perverse if we didn’t get a rematch between them, unless that changes between now and the election.

    This is how it is supposed to work in a two-party system. The favorites of each party get to compete. If there were somebody else who was the favorite of their party, they’d get to compete.

    If it were a different system (e.g. a parliamentary system), then the rules would be different. Although tbh when I look across the pond to the UK, I can’t say they consistently do a better job picking leaders than we do.