I am an enthusiast of Tech, gaming, food, culture, and all interesting things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • My advice: only forward ports 8080 and 443, then make sure that you have fail2ban or crossed properly set up on your reverse proxy. After that, you are pretty much fine as long as you keep on top of updating your containers.

    I would be careful about which apps you proxy. Idk why you need to access the admin portal for pi hole worldwide. If you really want to do that, you should set up a vpn.

  • I only read books that I have a physical copy of, or books that are on project Gutenberg. But really, we should seek to make all books free. An unencrypted epub is like 1 MB for like 300 pages usually.

    I do wish that there was an open source e-reader that ran Linux. You can already read these things on your phone or on your computer. But I like the dedicated devices for reading.

    Someone made an open source one that runs on a microprocessor, and it is a super cool project. But you really need a kernel to run arbitrary code, and gain access to open source e-reader software that gets you compatibility with publishing formats, layouts and fonts.

    Getting Linux kernels onto more open source devices is probably a good goal - its still rather hard for a hobbyist to design a devicw that supports Linux.

  • It’s a question of trust. Google will select the certificates they trust for the services they provide, and the entities that own those certificates will decide what do to with them. If they trust a certificate from Mozilla, and Mozilla agrees to make that certificate open to everyone for instance, than Google’s only choice is to stop trusting it. But if Mozilla decides that is the certificate Firefox will use, than Google has to choose kicking off Firefox as well as other third party apps. Same with Microsoft and Apple, but I think Mozilla is more likely to oppose this kind of standard rather than try to reach some kind of agreement with Google.

    The other way that this could play out every browser dev makes some kind of arrangement. Very unstable when we are talking about competitors.

    At the end of the day, it requires a level of co-operation with the browser developers and internet service providers that I don’t think a lot of people will go for, for various reasons. Especially not regulators. I guess I am just more optimistic about the open internet.