formerly /u/squirrelrampage on Reddit

  • 52 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I love this game (500 hours played), but I have to bring up a point of criticism…

    One aspect which has not aged well IMHO is the “kindness coin” mechanic: The exchange of goods for the NPCs’ friendship and/or affection. You give the NPCs stuff, then you give them more stuff, then some more on top, then you get a cut scene and then you get back to giving them stuff until you trigger the next one.

    Yes, the requests on the blackboard and the occasional personal quest mix up things a little bit, but overall the mechanic remains the same and for me over the years this has cheapened the interaction with the NPCs for me somewhat: They are mostly transactional and predictable to the point where you can calculate their outcome.
    You have to give character A so-and-so many objects X to romance them. It takes so-and-so many days to do that.

    Sure, the “kindness coins” mechanic was industry standard at the time, but I wish there were more variety in regards to the interactions with the NPCs, because they are amazingly written and I wish there was more to do with them besides giving them stuff over and over again.

  • Your quote reminds me of one of the biggest misconceptions about Judith Butler’s work who wrote so much about gender…

    People constantly misquote them and say that Butler wrote that “gender is a performance” and assume that Butler meant that gender is fake.

    What Butler Butler actually wrote is that “gender is performative”, ie. it involves a performance that communicates our gender identity to others without the performance being the end-all-be-all of gender.

  • No, you see it’s not like education makes you see past your own prejudices and that makes you more liberal. If you are liberal you get awarded an education by the shadowy cabal that controls the education system with DEI measures! This guy only wants a tRuE mERiToCrACy where disenfranchised, downtrodden bigots get a chance to attend university where they are taught about the superiority of their white Aryan race.

    /s if it isn’t apparent.

  • Of course, everybody responds differently to such things. For me… (spoilered for those who still want to play it)

    description of gameplay

    the moment when you step though one of doors at the end and the game uses the related pronouns was a very powerful one. I did not even dare to step through the “right one” the first time I played the game and was very emotional when I did during a later playthrough.

    But ultimately everyone has to find their own way to figures themselves out. So I will keep my fingers crossed that you will find yours.