I have peepee doodoo caca brains.

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • What, is my writing too hard for you? =( Don’t read the post modernists, you’d go feral. In any case, both of you are idiots.

    Can’t have different forms of positivity on this fucking platform beyond political sycophansy and in-group circle jerks, because imbeciles will take it the wrong way regardless.

    “uH sOuNdS LiKe sOmE bUlLsHiT tO mE”.

    No, you sanctimonious pricks. That was an affirmation for the people who find someone, anyone, who they can be a partner with - regardless of social hierarchy or convention - with determination and gumption… that’s laudable - in case you didn’t know, which was clearly communicated.

    And you guys, being the rays of sunshine that you are - probably the most anticipated guests at any given party - took that in the worst way possible.

    This is because your head’s are filled with brainrot, and probably also because you print out comments in form of metal sheet paper and shove it up your ass as a form of literary analysis.

    Maybe not do that?

  • In short, it’s a backend/frontend combination that can be shaped using standards compliant web technology, i.e HTMX and JSON, to make it easier in prototyping federated platforms.

    Prototyping frontend and backends in tandem is an undertaking to say the least. By creating a framework specifically designed to bridge that gap it will allow developers to more effectively develop, test and publish social media platforms.

    …also, they coupled the decoupling… because of course they did. But yeah, if this makes it easier to create federated platforms, I’m all for it.