And once they do wear out, they’re steel, so they’re recyclable !
🏵️ 𝕴𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖌𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖆 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖒 𝕴𝖌𝖓𝖎𝖘 🏵️
And once they do wear out, they’re steel, so they’re recyclable !
Don’t raise prices ! Just sell at a loss ! How hard could it be ?
My sympathies. I will be watching the responses, I’m 170cm and I’ve never broken past 55kg, no matter how hard I’ve tried… I’m vegan, but I had the same problem long before I went vegan.
My body seems intent on pinning my weight to this value. Even in periods of high sedentary lifestyle or high exercise, I’ve always been between 53 and 55 kilograms. My fitness watch does report other metrics improving (VO2 max) but my weight stays the same 🤷🏻♀️
Afaik, they were forced to log and report IP addresses for the user’s mail logins.
They can’t do that for their VPN, though, so I’ve seen some people recommend you create your account through another VPN or via their Onion service, and then only connect with the VPN on.
This seems fragile at best, and isn’t helped by the fact the most anonymous payment option they accept is cash by mail, which is still quite traceable. They also take bitcoin, which is extremely traceable.
If they expand to accept Monero, I’ll reconsider, but for now I’m sticking with Mullvad. I use for mail, which does log IP addresses (for 4 days), but it is a separate account from my VPN so I don’t really care.
I’m also put off by their recent posts supporting the Republican Party. It is really strange for a privacy company to support authoritarians, and the addition of them leaving Mastodon but staying on Xitter doesn’t inspire much confidence in them.
Thank you ! I’ll go check that out 🙂
I wish I could seed but Mullvad doesn’t allow port forwarding, and ProtonVPN has given out IPs under court order so I don’t trust them for any purpose.
I’ll have to look into other VPNs I think, because I’m ideologically very much for seeding.
The first Pride was a riot.
92% of my playtime is Minecraft, makes sense.
Games as a whole are getting better, but AAA is getting worse.
Unfortunately, Elon Musk doesn’t know you can’t “identify as a founder”. Your gender is valid ; this is not.
I understand this is (hopefully) not how you meant it, but opposing “foreign wife” to “normal woman” is a rather unfortunate choice of words.
Another explanation for why the JWST may have seen an overrepresentation of galaxies rotating in one direction is that the Milky Way’s own rotation could have caused it.
Corrected !
I only read 1984 once in French 11 years ago, so it’s a little fuzzy 😆
Literally 1984.
This is a textbook example of newspeak / doublethink, exactly how they use the word “corruption” to mean different things based on who it’s being applied to.
The Wikipedia page linked is only a few lines long, it is a bit rude to assume I haven’t read it.
The first phrase after the summary is :
This feature can occur on its own with no underlying health problems
I wouldn’t have left the comment I did if that wasn’t the case.
That’s one condition I wish I had.
EDIT : especially since the page linked says :
This feature can occur on its own with no underlying health problems
That, and polydactyly like the Da Silva family (where every finger is fully formed and controllable)
Seems like not heating at all may have been even more lucrative, though. Would the temperatures have dropped intolerably low if you did so ?
I agree with the message, but these two points following each other feels a little hypocritical:
“Amazon is supporting new nuclear plants” and “Amazon has a poor climate record”
Nuclear power is the most effective way to get out of climate change. Caring about climate change and being against nuclear power at the same time is a contradictory position to take, and needlessly puritanical.
If we could only rely on renewables, that would be very nice. That is not currently the case. We should strive to have more renewable energy, while keeping in mind nuclear power is here to stay and even be expanded as we eliminate carbon emitting sources of energy.
“Deadache” by Lordi ! I wouldn’t say it has their best songs, but it doesn’t have any definite “B-sides”, unlike most of their previous work.
( eg : is Hellbender Turbulence anyone’s favorite ? Dynamite Tonite ? I doubt that. Get Heavy is a much rockier listening experience. Some may even say it’s heavily front loaded.
Deadache has a bit of a slump in the middle but it’s picked right back up by the final third, especially the titular song and Raise Hell in Heaven )
An insult to life itself.