the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]

41f late-dx AuDHD

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • Since I returned from my visit, I have been trying to place my experiences there into a larger context. The reality on the ground is so devastating, and the future appears so bleak, that I have allowed myself to indulge in some counter-factual history and to entertain some hopeful speculations about a different future. I ask myself, what would have happened had the newly created state of Israel fulfilled its commitment to enact a constitution based on its Declaration of Independence? That same declaration which stated that Israel “will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”.


    this was a devastating read

  • Idk anything about Linux forums, but as far as forums in general:

    Are there really so many people to frequent forums and provide answers to people who seem to be in trouble

    This is legitimately my husband’s favorite thing to do. He’s not into Linux, he’s into garden tractors and mowers, but he loves the enthusiast forums and Facebook groups he’s in and is very active.

    Generally, he loves helping people who want to learn, and specifically, he is nuts about helping people learn to care for their machines and save them from the junkyard. He will spend hours on the phone and days over email helping people troubleshoot things, purely for the joy of helping.

    And when he’s not helping somebody, he’s talking to other tractor nerds about how cool their tractors are and how best to take care of them! 😂🥰

    So yes, there are people who like to hang around to give help, some people just really, really, really love to help.

  • how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others

    I would try to communicate the feel of things - either “this doesn’t feel right” or “oh shit, I think this is what we should do!” but idk how to do it better because the information from dreams is always so misty - what’s a silly amalgamation of experiences you’ve had, and what’s an actual analysis of things that might happen?

    how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane?

    I genuinely don’t know about this, because this is a problem I have in my real waking life: patterns and weirdness adding up to problems that cause me an itch that I usually can’t express until it’s an issue for everyone else, too, and then it’s usually too late.

    Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems…

    I think this is the best use of psychedelics - they help you see solutions that are outside your usual, obvious worldview.

    • Disclosure of Information. You may disclose Reddit confidential information to the extent compelled to do so by law if you (i) provide reasonable prior notice to Reddit, unless a court orders that Reddit not be given notice and (ii) cooperate with Reddit in seeking a protective order or other reasonable remedies.

    This part seems particularly sketchy to me, but maybe I’m just reading it wrong. Does this mean “Reddit confidential information” as in information about the company or does this also cover private details of the lives of other participants? I can see some reasoning for the latter - though I wonder what illegal activities (other than seeking abortion) participants would even be discussing - but the former seems like a big ask. Do they notify their users in advance about law enforcement inquiries and cooperate with them in seeking a protective order or other reasonable remedies?

  • The archive link didn’t work for me, so I went through to Reddit to copy-paste for anyone else having trouble.

    Disclaimer: while I’m a mod of r/Blind and would have been a participant in this group in that capacity, my decisions and thoughts are my own and are, in this case at least, not necessarily representative of or coordinated with the rest of the mod team.

    What is the Accessibility Feedback Group?

    On July 19th, Reddit announced “more ways to connect live with” them, including an Accessibility Feedback Group. I filled out the form to join this group, including answering Reddit’s questions about my disability. That wasn’t an issue for me, because it’s right on my screen name, on my user flair and all over my comment and post history. For others, these questions could be a concern, especially in how they were used to select participants for this group. I’ve copied these questions bellow.

    How does joining work?

    After filling out the form, I waited. Over two weeks later, I got a DM from an admin we’ve been in contact with - after asking what was up with the delay, that is. After that, I finally got a DM from /r/RedditAccessibility that included a link to another form with terms for participating in the group. I reviewed the terms, concluded I could not agree to them and replied with that information. I got this DM back:

    Hey u/MostlyBlindGamer, thanks for the reply.

    This is similar language we use in various programs and is part of a standard process we have when sharing nonpublic information. Are there specific parts of the terms that you’re concerned about? We’re eager to have your participation in the group, and the agreement is required for all participants.

    Please let us know if there are specific concerns that we can address.

    I replied with my specific concerns and have received no further contact.

    So what are these terms you can’t agree to?

    I’ll copy my DM and then include the full text of the terms below.

    You expect specific actionable contributions, without consideration. That sounds too much like working for free.

    You expect participants to contact Reddit for help in preventing information from being provided to legal authorities. Offering some kind of support would be nice, but this is an actual requirement.

    You have language on staying on topic. My experience has been that Reddit Inc narrows the topic with little notice and to such an extent as to be useless.

    I hope these speak for themselves. If not, sorting r/Blind by top, all time, should provide plenty of context, through the announcements the mod team has made.

    Are these terms really that bad?

    They are for me. Throughout this process, I’ve strived to be transparent and to hold others to that standard. I’ve been in too many meetings that ended in “we’ll get back to you” to be OK with a private, tightly controlled focus group. I’ve spent too much of my free time advocating for and providing expertise to make products accessible to do it for Reddit Inc. under these terms, for free. In fact, I wouldn’t want to be paid either - they should be hiring disabled people to work on accessibility. I already have a job, I don’t want to work for Reddit Inc.

    You may be asking yourself what I imagine Reddit’s intentions to be. You may also ask yourself why this question doesn’t deserve its own heading. One thing at a time, let’s get to their intentions, first. I can imagine a few options:

    • They’re doing the best they know how to do and following their regular formula. This formula has resulted in enough people feeling ignored by the company to black out the website for two days.
    • They want to be able to say they’re working with disabled users and mods, while keeping them controlled and preventing them from speaking publicly about the process. This isn’t really an “option,” so much as the situation as it’s presented to me.
    • They want to control the narrative, ensuring future public information on Reddit’s accessibility comes from them and not the users.

    None of those work for me, on a personal level.

    But wait, there’s more!

    New Reddit’s Fancy Pants Editor has a formatting button for headings, but it only produces level 1. This leads users to create content that does not follow accessibility best practices. I wasn’t even looking for more failures, but here we are.

    Original AFG form questions on disability

    Do you identify as a person with a disability or other chronic condition? (required)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Prefer not to say

    If so, how would you describe your disability or chronic condition? (select all that apply)

    • Attention deficit
    • Autism
    • Blind or visually impaired
    • Deaf or hard of hearing
    • Dyslexia
    • Health-related disability
    • Learning disability
    • Mental health condition
    • Mobility-related disability
    • Speech-related disability
    • Prefer not to say
    • Other (has text field)

    Accessibility Feedback Group Onboarding Form


    As a participant in Reddit’s accessibility feedback group (AFG), you may have access to confidential information. To ensure our group is a safe, respectful, productive space for all participants, and in order to protect the interests of Reddit and program members, please read and agree to the following:


    You agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information disclosed in the AFG by Reddit or group members. This includes, but is not limited to, any information related to Reddit’s operations (including any non-public software or beta programs made available to you), business plans, or financials and details, stories, or feedback shared by group members.

    • Sharing of Information. You agree not to disclose any confidential information to any third party, without the prior written consent of Reddit or the applicable group member to whom the information pertains. Additionally, any information you learn about a person, moderator, admin, and subreddit is expected to remain confidential, including personal information such as identity. Similarly, Reddit will keep information shared by AFG participants confidential but may use it for internal purposes or may share anonymized notes to a public audience. For the avoidance of doubt, feedback provided by you and other AFG participants may be used by Reddit to improve products and services without any restriction, obligation, or compensation to you.
    • Use of Information. You agree to use any confidential information solely for the purpose of participating in the AFG. You may not use this information for personal gain or for the benefit of any other individual, community, or entity, and you do not acquire any intellectual property rights by participating in the AFG.
    • Disclosure of Information. You may disclose Reddit confidential information to the extent compelled to do so by law if you (i) provide reasonable prior notice to Reddit, unless a court orders that Reddit not be given notice and (ii) cooperate with Reddit in seeking a protective order or other reasonable remedies.


    We encourage participants to be actively involved in the AFG. Share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback with the group. We want to hear from you!

    • Respect. We expect all participants to treat each other with respect and kindness. No harassment, discrimination, or bullying of any kind will be tolerated.
    • Productive. We’re all here to improve Reddit, so it’s important that our discussions stay productive. We expect group members and admins will reliably and consistently keep an open mind, assume good intent, and foster curiosity. When asked for your opinion, please prioritize actionable feedback – clear and specific suggestions for improvements, typically focused on design, usability, functionality, impact, effectiveness, and relevance.
    • Civility. While we want you to feel comfortable in the AFG, we expect all participants to maintain a level of professionalism. Please refrain from bringing up unrelated topics, calling out users, communities, and groups, or engaging in any other conduct that may be deemed uncivil.
    • Compliance. We expect participants to comply with our Moderator Code of Conduct (where applicable), Content Policy, Privacy Policy, and User Agreement.
    • Termination of Participation. While we hope this never happens, we reserve the right to terminate a participant’s membership in the AFG at any time, for any reason. This includes failure to comply with our guidelines or policies, any breach of this agreement, or any other violation of this Agreement.

    Thank you for agreeing to these terms. We believe that working together can make the AFG a valuable and productive experience for all involved. If you have any questions, or concerns about this agreement or would like to report instances of policy violations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via modmail.

    I would like to be part of the accessibility feedback group and agree to the terms above.

    • Yes
    • No