Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Making things, mostly.

    Lots of crafts like knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing, felting, origami, faffing about with clay, etc etc. And gamedev which I basically think of as the same sort of hobby because it’s just making a different sort of thing.

    Making YouTube videos about all of the above, in defiance of the algorithm gods.

    Reading any and all scifi I can get my hands on, plus the Discworld series just over and over again endlessly on a loop.

    Also the amount of time I spend on Mastodon and Lemmy probably means it counts as a rather lame hobby at this point…

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.eetoUKCasual@lemmy.worldEaster
    3 months ago

    This time last year, the night before our wedding, we stayed at a cheap hotel 15 minutes away from home, ate pizza in the room and watched Top of the Pops with Mastodon. So tonight to celebrate the fact that we somehow survived the year we’ll be staying in a cheap hotel 15 minutes away from home, eating pizza in the room and watching Top of the Pops with Mastodon.

    Also despite me being middle aged now, my mam and grandma sent us a ton of chocolate. So that’s the rest of the weekend accounted for.

    Happy Easter everyone!

    Edit: haul

  • Unfortunately that link doesn’t help much. Currently among the list of “recommended instances” (followed by a claim that it “doesn’t matter” which of these you choose) are a French-speaking instance, a crypto instance, and an anime instance. Hardly welcoming places for your average person, unless you happen to be a French crypto bro looking for porn in which case you are definitely well catered for.

    OP might not have all the details worked out but their point is a good one, and it’s an issue on Mastodon as well. It’s all well and good having a one-liner description about each instance but it can be quite a trawl to find the actual important info you need to make a decision.

  • As a European, I’d read about this phenomenon and assumed it was just a sort of vaguely reminiscent hint of a taste. Because surely nobody would be eating it if it tasted strongly of vomit.

    Was given a free sample of Hershey’s in Chicago once. Didn’t taste of anything at all it was just weird and waxy. So much for that!

    Yeah I made it maybe halfway down the street before the taste kicked in. For any other non-US folks who think it’s an exaggeration, it is not. Literally tasted like I’d thrown up in my mouth, not just a bit like it but literally like vomit.

    My minor life advice is do not accept handouts of Hershey’s chocolate!

  • Alas, not really! I have a cheap shuttle and am still trying to get the hang of “the flip” but I’ll get it eventually. I did manage a sort of wonky snowflake but that’s about it so far. Trouble is, as you know, all the other hobbies getting in the way 😄

    Currently working on cross stitching a dragon from the Discworld books, knitting some crazy speckly socks and a shawl that is way behind where it needs to be to be finished on time, and planning various sewing projects. RIP my free time.

    Just left another comment with links to some of the more active craft communities on here, we’d love to see what you’re working on if you ever want to share!