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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • One thing I’d like to suggest is get most of their forward facing apps as Flatpak and let them install software that way instead of using the system package manager (even if it has a GUI). This jibes with others suggesting an immutable base system.

    Obviously this may be more of a concern for older kids, but my kid started with Linux and it did fine… Right up until Discord started breaking because it was too old and they didn’t want to tangle with the terminal. Same thing when Minecraft started updating Java versions. Discord and Prismlauncher from Flatpak (along with Proton and Steam now) would have kept them happier with Linux.

    As for internet, routers come with parental controls these days too, which have the added advantage of being able to cover phones (at least while not on mobile data). Setting the Internet to be unavailable for certain devices after a certain time on school nights may be a more straightforward route than DE tools.

  • I am about 80% through it as an audiobook (waiting for it to come back from the library) and I agree. Great to listen to him, tons of non Trek info I didn’t know that is still quite interesting.

    Not the best husband to be sure, but I do like that he’s pretty up front about it. Seems like his first marriage was effectively over as soon as he found American success and his wife (understandably) didn’t want to abandon her own career in the UK. Hard to listen to Capt. Picard be unfaithful (with Vash no less!) but I felt for him more than most egomaniac rock stars who fuck anything that moves.

    EDIT: Also loved how he hates Thatcher for demolishing all of the programs he used to get trained as an actor coming from a poor background. There was a lot of mutual aid in his early life that seems non-existent today.

  • I’m not a huge fan of Discovery but I do hope we can get a balance between bold and new and the sort of nostalgia bait we’re in now. I mean, I love SNW, and it’s really filling out some canon gaps (love Uhura getting some real attention) but I really want to get away from cameos. They felt cheap in Disco S2 and they’re still cheap in SNW, but the writing is so much better it’s forgivable. PIC and LD are also very rooted in referencing old Trek. Hell, even Prodigy couldn’t resist making Janeway a (sort of) main character.

    This is why I’m low key hyped about the Academy show, and am hoping it’s with Tilly in the far future. Give us Disco’s great, inclusive cast as peripheral characters, maybe even flesh them out more, but shift the focus to a class of cadets working as a team. Get back to that optimism and away from Burnham and whatever’s destroying the universe this season, without needing to root the show in old Trek.