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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I agree with you. I think the responses to your comment are missing a few key points

    • Calling an Apple product something weird with “i” or “Apple” is Jobsian slavish devotion to branding
    • Under Tim Cook, innovation has arguably stagnated (see comparisons to Ballmer
    • Cook has not leveraged the value of Apple’s innovation successfully eg Apple Silicon being limited to Apple devices vs PowerPC days, the Vision Pro being horrible, the recent hilarious iPad creativity crusher ad.
    • A company with Apple’s market cap can do dumb shit and still appear valuable just because they have Apple’s market cap.

    I read OP as “names are dumb and this is just Apple trying to be different in the same way everyone else is.” I think all of that is true and I think it’s valid criticism of the product. My last point about Apple’s value is probably the most important. They can do a lot of dumb shit before it matters.

  • I grew up in a town that had one brewery until the late 00s/early 10s. The food was okay but the beer tasted like rubbing alcohol. It was really fucking bad. The brewers were full of themselves and thought they had first mover advantage. A couple of new breweries opened up and things got way better. Suddenly the community was actually vibrant. A few more opened, a few closed, and that cycle started rolling. The overall quality of brewing improved drastically except at that shitty first brewery who constantly struggles to retain talent and compete (other than location which guarantees a steady supply of drunk businessmen who can’t tell good beer from shit beer).

    Don’t limit your club. Stifling community will only harm the community. You don’t need to trade secrets; you should always trade ideas and be supportive.