• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Most average phone users don’t give a shit about bezels, weight and stuff, they just buy whatever is put in front of them. If Apple came out with a new iPhone that was heavier, thicker bezelled, slower, people would still buy it because the truth is, they don’t compare anything or look into it besides “this is the latest”.

    Speed is such a none issue, all mid-range phones are plenty fast enough for the very large majority of people. Buying flagship phones with the fastest SoCs is pointless to them, they will never get value from it - they just buy them because they are the latest “best shit you need” and they cost a lot more than a Fairphone.

    Now the value of replacing a battery on the fly (whether broken or just for more juice) would actually be a lot higher, people used to do that in the past. The ability to repair the phone yourself wouldn’t really matter to most, as they usually just take their phones to a repair shop anyway, but the cost of the repair would be lower.

    The Fairphone has a great mission, one that all phones should be going after. They are expensive for what you are getting in terms of specifications, yes, but the company isn’t large enough to make them any cheaper without sacrificing the point of them in the first place. It’s fine to not want one, but comparing them to flagship phones, the same way you would compare an S24 to an iPhone 15, is actually unfair. Not to say you can’t critise it, I think the software is the weak point and some issues were clearly highlighted, not unfixable though.

    If price wasn’t a factor and you just handed them to average people to use, then they would most likely be satisfied and would find value in it.

  • Nope, it just tells you some basic privacy info, wants you to link a Google account, wants you to change your account emails for different services (you have to click done on them all) and wants you to login on their mobile app.
    It seems like this was their plan for adding the extra 5GB storage to free accounts, which I think is fair, if you are not forced to link a Google account, that’s the worst offender here. It appears massively bugged though and probably should not be appearing on paid accounts at all.

  • There’s no such thing. It’s just milking people who are crazy enough to fall into the trap of buying them.
    $30 is not a microtransaction, thats a macrotransaction, thats an entire other video game.

    Free to play doesnt give a game a pass on predatory business tactics, they are free to play for one reason only… to sell you worthless pixels for ridiculous prices. F2P games are designed for that purpose and that purpose only.

    But I agree that any paid game should have zero MTX, cosmetic or not. Industry is killing its creative aspect with all this monetisation shit.

  • Supporting projects is good and all, but you should only give money you would be happy just leaving on the side of the road.

    This is purchasing a product though, not simply donating, so the developer needs to communicate. You are correct in saying a once per month update is all it needs, assure the people who have purchased your product. I would say my initial statement applies to small one-man run projects though as well, they are much more likely to be adandoned.