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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • Just to be clear, did she recommend that specific clinic? I’m not a fan of her past work but I think it’s a stretch to blame something like this directly on her.

    The beauty and skincare industries have tons of claims flying around that are less-than-validated but going to a facility that uses basic precautions is probably still a good idea.

    As an additional data point here, the American Academy of Dermatology Association still has a page up with more info about the procedure. It makes it clear that it’s unproven but it’s supposed to be your own blood that’s used for the procedure. It ends with a recommendation to talk to your dermatologist to decide if it’s right for you, much the same as any medical advice found online.

    From their page:

    "Few studies conducted in people

    All these benefits have created high demand for a procedure that has little evidence to back it up.

    Few studies have been conducted because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t require the large, complex studies necessary for new drugs. Since PRP uses needles and a centrifuge, the FDA classifies PRP as a medical device. The rules for medical devices are less demanding."

  • To play devil’s advocate here, I suspect many rural voters would probably just say they’d like to be left alone more than anything else.

    They really buy into that Reagan line about “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” being the 9 most terrifying words in the English language. They haven’t seen government programs working effectively around them.

    I’m not sure promising more government assistance for rural areas is a winning message, is my point.

    We might be able to point out the class divide between republican voters and their representatives, though. That, and highlighting the donors those representatives are really working for.

    Conservative philosophy has had generations to settle in these areas, so any messaging to the contrary is going to be an uphill climb.

  • I’d agree that people at the top of the party are cynical and mostly just want tax breaks and to keep government regulations away from their financial investments. Many of the voters do earnestly vote based on Christian nationalism (especially pro-life people) and fear of immigrants, though.

    These voters have also been subjected to 20+ years of propaganda from right wing radio and TV networks. Have you ever subjected yourself to that shit? It’s like a constant fear response.

    My point is the voters at the bottom may not always have a consistent principled worldview, but they’re not always acting cynically with their votes. Many of them really do believe this stuff.

  • I get you, but I also think there’s value in considering how these kinds of conversations affect people who are neither vegetarian nor vegan.

    If you create a permission structure for 10 meat eaters to write off the whole group as extremist crazies, while you’re trying to bully 1 vegetarian, who might be, maybe, bullied into veganism, that’s still a net loss of a whole lot of animals.

    Also, this isn’t a veg friendly space. Having conversations like this among other veg*ns is entirely a different affair than doing it in an environment where the average response is just “hell no, I love my meat”

  • Sorry, but I just don’t think this attitude is useful for reducing harm to animals. It’s rare for people to hear about veganism and then go straight from eating meat to eating 0 animal products, for 100 reasons. I spent like 10 years vegetarian before finally going vegan.

    This overly critical attitude and stereotypes associated with it do a lot to push people away from bothering with making any steps at all.

    No one is able to fully eliminate animal harm from their lives, and any steps that anyone is making on the road to reducing it should be applauded. It’s our only option if we want to be anything other than a hated minority.