• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I also travel everywhere, speak English to random people in restaurants and services and expect them to understand it. Cuz they can’t possibly expect every visitor to their country to speak their language somehow?

    I always hear about obnoxious Americans traveling, speaking English to locals and being upset when they’re not understood. I’ve never really seen much of it. Usually it’s a polite “excuses me <insert phrase>”. Yes, said in English to a someone in a country where English is not the main language. Yet, what else do you expect them to do?

  • In a call center language is your main working tool. It has to be near-perfect. My experience communicating with a such “offshore call-center” was always less than subpar. And I’m not a native speaker either.

    And yet you have a foreign web developer who’d be better at waving hands than speaking English, and somehow nobody bats an eye. The web page looks great, so here’s a round of applause for our jorgi, who can’t even phrase a “thank you” back.

    Oh, and to bring the point back. Nowhere in Europe will you have non-native speakers working in a call center. Rare, very rare exceptions. And those all will speak their target language borderline perfect.

  • BS. One new CD is at least 10$. A good band collection is then a year worth of subscription fees. So, do you only listen to a few bands?

    Before Spotify I pirated everything. In lossless, ofc. I had 200GB of music, it wouldn’t fit on my ipod classic, and I still was limited.

    I pirated at least a lifetime worth of Spotify premium and yet when I switched to Spotify I discovered so many more artists like the ones I already liked. If I now tried to buy all the songs I’ve listened to more than once in the last 5 years, I’d go bankrupt.

    Spotify is way cheaper.

    (now add ease of discovering new music, listening to whatever your friends want to listen to in a car, collaborative playlists, etc etc)