Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • You’re welcome.

    In regards to which elements to pick out, I wouldn’t know what to tell you other than monitor the Network tab in the browser’s devtools and block one by one until it works? Other than that perhaps reach out to someone more experienced at generating these filter lists (like the Dev of the linked repo) and see how they go about it.

    Cheers and good luck!

  • You can install multiple kernels along with their respective headers. As long as you create a hook that runs mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig whenever you update the kernels, you can then choose which kernel you want to use when the grub menu comes up.

    This way you can always use whichever kernel you want, and is good practice should an update to one of the kernels have breaking changes.

  • In my experience, those that asked to be referred to as they/them identify as being non-binary, though in reading more on the topic, this is not always the case.

    I only adopt the pronouns of those that the person in question expressly asks to be referred to as. Otherwise, if the pronouns are not explicitly mentioned, I default to the pronouns of the gender I perceive said individual to be presenting as until otherwise corrected.

    In my opinion, it’s simply a sign of mutual respect and acknowledgement that I recognize their identity as they proclaim it to be.