Not fantastic. The kids started daycare and brought home some illness that I caught immediately. I called off work a couple days and they want documentation of some sort, as if I can afford a visit to the doctor with no insurance. On the other hand, I did land an interview for a much better job, so I remain hopeful.
First year of daycare is constant sickness in my experience. Hopefully your new employer is more understanding.
If I tried to explain it to someone else it wouldn’t sound like much. But to me it’s been busy with lots of stuff done. I feel I need another break already.
Shopping list app I used stopped working and disappeared from the App Store so my adulting is in shambles.
To top it off I’m down with either a stomach flu or just having a flare up of my chronic illness so I argue with random people on Lemmy to distract myself from it. Got a referral to hospital but first free slot is in April. I won’t qualify for the expensive but the only effective treatment because I live in a country with one of the lowest healthcare expenditures in Europe, yay!
I’m sorry, that sounds miserable 💔
It’s not specifically for groceries but if you have google play services, I like TickTick for groceries and other lists. It’s easy to sync with Windows so if I remember something I need at a random time I can just jot it down on my nearest device. Plus there’s a home screen widget so it’s impossible to forget if I haven’t been grocery shopping yet.
I know that’s the least of your problems ofc, I hope you feel better soon.
This TickTick looks awesome and does multiple things I wished such an app did, thank you. On principle I don’t use apps I can’t buy outright but I might make an exception if subscription can be shared with family. My biggest problem with finding a good shopping list apps is that they are rarely well translated into other languages so you have to look for something local. Groceries is something that’s just funky to do in a foreign language no matter how well you know it haha.
Rough. I lost muscle mass over the holidays due to being swamped with work as well as on call to help with a family crisis. I’ve been trying to get back to the gym, but due to the snowstorm I only managed two days this past week. My dumb ass kept driving down there at 5:30am and they’d be closed 🤦 There’s supposed to be another storm coming up, too.
In therapy for relationship issues but I don’t know if it’s going well. My therapist claims I’m very self aware and I’m not asking for too much, but I don’t think that can be true because people in my life keep having these horrific meltdowns at me.
I haven’t talked to my friend in two weeks because I was going to ask my therapist how to approach him but we ran out of time. I should probably let him go but I hate to end on a bad note after everything we’ve done together.
Starting this week off with a hike with a new group, not sure if I really want to meet people ever again but I already RSVP’d so let’s go.
ETA hike went well and I was getting to know everyone and then on the fourth mile they started joking about how liberals moving to our area won’t have any friends. I’m much further left than liberal 🙃 my therapist told me to try to make friends but I’m done, this is a waste of time
Mate, you’re working out and going to therapy so you’re doing insanely well by my standards. Keep in mind that you can change therapists if they’re not a great fit for you.
Thanks, that’s very encouraging ❤️ the gym is a nice hobby but I don’t think it’s the only or even the best route to self improvement, like for instance I feel the same way when people talk about reading regularly or making space for friends and partners.
Unfortunately therapist choices are actually pretty limited if I want one that’s paid for by my job. I went through the list and she was the only one who fit into my availability. I could still look elsewhere and get one mostly paid for by insurance ofc but it means seeing them less frequently.
Can you do some bodyweight exercises just to get something in?
Yeah, I really should. I mainly go to the gym because it’s hard to focus at home, especially with the cutest cat in the world always wanting on my lap.
In some ways I have my challenges, but I’m having a tremendously fun time diving into crafting stuff and building a little devices.
I’m learning low grade chemistry, electronics, and of course I’ve always loved crafting
Good, was sick last week and now feeling a lot better so it’s like the world is open with possibilities again.
Regarding the sickness, I was at like 70% for a full week. Not enough to actually lay around and be lazy all day but sick enough that I couldn’t really stomach doing anything of importance.
At least tomorrow is Friday. Going to tour a school for my kid’s next year tomorrow morning.
can see a letter coming in from the unemployment office. I think my benefits are running out and job responsive did not get better in the new year like I expected. so not great.