I’d fund Larian to create and release creator tools for custom campaigns for their BG3 engine. Then let the community do its thing. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good for a general D&D video game engine.
I’d also request a sequel/DLC for BG3. Specifically, going to hell in search of a heart…
I’m pretty sure they aren’t allowed to by Hasbro. They’re making a Virtual Table Top for D&D with subscriptions and micro transactions, attempting to make that how you play D&D now. If Larian made BG3 compete with that, but without all the bullshit, then they’d lose.
Also, anyone looking for something better, or to get away from Hasbro, Pathfinder 2E is an actually well thought out game where you have to memorize a lot fewer exceptions and crap. It just makes sense and works how you’d expect.
I’d fund Larian to create and release creator tools for custom campaigns for their BG3 engine. Then let the community do its thing. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good for a general D&D video game engine.
I’d also request a sequel/DLC for BG3. Specifically, going to hell in search of a heart…
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I’m pretty sure they aren’t allowed to by Hasbro. They’re making a Virtual Table Top for D&D with subscriptions and micro transactions, attempting to make that how you play D&D now. If Larian made BG3 compete with that, but without all the bullshit, then they’d lose.
Also, anyone looking for something better, or to get away from Hasbro, Pathfinder 2E is an actually well thought out game where you have to memorize a lot fewer exceptions and crap. It just makes sense and works how you’d expect.