As a (former) map contributor, I will -and I hope many others with me- report it as a mistake. Of course Google will not change it back, but it does not matter.
USA and it’s oligarchs have gone mad.
I’ll send soooo many new wrong names and places everywhere I go if they do that
Seriously. Let’s start a war on google.
Make sure you get rid of your Gmail account ;)
I was about to switch to Proton until the Proton CEO outed himself as a Trumper.
Wait really?
Fuck… I thought they were becoming a good non-profit.
I run my own email server since August and I’m never going back. I use the open source software stack.
I have heard that it can be difficult to get emails sent from a self-hosted server accepted by the big email providers. Have you experienced any difficulty with this? And how is spam filtering?
I haven’t had deliverability issues. Might be for a number of reasons:
- mailinabox does a huge amount of modern email security
- I’ve owned my domain for many years
- Contabo probably has fewer cases of reused IP addresses than the big cloud providers
I don’t get spam, but that might be because anything that might generate spam I use Gmail for. Mailinabox includes a number of spam reduction systems, too.
Well, I don’t recall that but he did express support for Gail Slater, a nominee by former President Donald Trump for a position in the Department of Justice antitrust division.
However, I may just not possess this information. I don’t not trust you, but is there something specific you can link to? Or do you recall where you heard that?
People are putting a spin on this, but Proton has explained that it considers the Republicans more likely to tackle “Big Tech abuses” until the Democratic Party sheds its corporatists. So on this issue the company seems to officially support the Republicans. People are understandably skeptical and think that, given the Republicans’ past record and the many other awful things they promise to do under Trump, this is a misjudgement by Proton:
Here’s the original post by the CEO:
Gross. No more proton for me.
Pretty recent on twitter, last couple weeks. I understand missing it given how much of a busy year it’s already been.
Using twitter is providing financial support to Nazis. I would not have seen that, because supporting Nazis isn’t worth it.
Either way there is Tuta, which isn’t as sleek as Proton, but has a pretty good name in the privacy world afaik. They have desktop and mobile apps available.
Edit: someone supplied it.
It was pre Nazi wave lmao, you can still see headlines and stuff that other people post.
Do you still have an account?
Not a war, but everyday guerrilla is fun, that has not to be the goal of my life, just something that makes me feel better
But if it doesn’t result in a bunch wrong info on google, then it was in vain. :(
If they will rename the gulf in my language too, I’ll start. I hope I’ll inspire others
I’m just gonna keep migrating to OrganicMaps
Follow your own policy, Google!
Even this wasn’t found great by the comments, but it’s better than “whatever Trump says”.
By saying “common”, we mean to include names which are in widespread daily use, rather than giving immediate recognition to any arbitrary governmental re-naming
That policy is surprisingly on point.
Eh, their policy currently is “make as much money as possible, nothing else matters”
Making money now requiring stuffing their noses up Trumps ass, so here we go
“In other words, if a ruler announced that henceforth the Pacific Ocean would be named after her mother, we would not add that placemark unless and until the name came into common usage.”
So that means they’re gonna put some bullshit name on it here in Canada? What the hell.
Fuck off google🖕🏼
This is already going to cost taxpayers a fortune in governmental redrawn maps, of which there are a ridiculous number across federal and state departments, and that’s before you go into even more costly things like replacing all the road signs that mention the Gulf of Mexico.
Which makes me wonder how much it is going to cost all these tech companies that reference it to do the same. Some of it is just changing a word in a database, but I have a feeling that’s only some of it.
Not as much as changing it all back when the Narcissus-in-chief finally corks it and they all pretend not to have debased themselves so shamelessly and utterly.
What road signs mention the Gulf of Mexico?
Let’s start with all of the Continental Divide signs going North/South across the U.S.:
Looking forward to the explanation of why none of those count.
All of those count. Thanks
The stupidest fucking timeline
Omg lol. They’re all just licking the boot like it was covered in piss (because they were told it was good).
They’re abandoning Linux users to the cops and global responsibility in one day.
Edit: Facebook and Google. But really they’re all in the domed city together now waiting for the ship to be built.
I was looking for a reason to fully commit to OpenStreetMap.
Pretty much any mapping software will follow suit as It’s an official name change, so until it’s reverted (if ever, because I could see a future Democratic President just leaving it as is because they don’t want to be called anti-American on Fox), you’ll just have to deal with it, unfortunately.
I can’t see a future Democratic president.
After Trump kills himself in a bunker they’ll get Jill Stein? It’ll end somehow, unless Trump nukes us all.
I sure as hell hope the U.S. doesn’t trade one Putin-lover for another. Plus, she isn’t a Democrat.
It’s not an official name change… They have a governing body for name’s and unless they change it, which they won’t only the us will recognise the change… Whole things a pissing contest like trump himself… He’s a bully and not a very good one
I doubt OSM will change it. Its not a land mass in the US, the US has no authority in changing its name.
OSM treats official names as tertiary to signage and local usage. It’s also not chiefly American so doesn’t have much reason to favour their usage over other countries’.
Mind that you can also have many names for one thing in OSM so it will probably be noted in there somewhere.
I had to have a look at the current situation, Gulf of Mexico currently has no fewer than 39 names listed
There is also an ongoing discussion about the executive order. From what I saw it seems to be leaning in favour of adding an
tag if the order gets recognised by a relevant body e.g the US Board of Geographic names. Notably this is not the primaryname
tag.There is also an ongoing discussion about the executive order.
Absolutely disgusting how many people there are taking this at all seriously
Use Facist_Name as the tag, as is accurate, and be done with it
I guess the Gulf of Mexico is different from Denali in that it’s outside of the US, so I’m not sure how that’s decided. I guess American map makers (or anyone localising for the US) will use Gulf of America, while everyone else will continue using Gulf of Mexico.
FWIW, it’s still Gulf of Mexico in my Google Maps, and so is Denali (using it from Australia).
Why? they don’t have to
So… I have no intention to use google maps as a result of this. Not like I used it much to begin with, but I’m going to do my part to not enable these ignorant cowardly pissfarts to cartographically troll an entire planet.
No sir, not on my astrolabe!
Make sure you use maps not owned by Google. Waze is part of Google BTW.
I use Apple Maps almost exclusively.
Marginally better, I’ll have to see if they have it on android
For trails I already use OSM, how is it for navigation?
Apple maps? Other preferences?
I wonder what the options are no buck Google Navigation on my EV’s infotainment console.
I’ve used Organic maps (which I think uses OSM navigation) exclusively and it hasn’t let me down yet. Especially when walking it knows a lot more routes than Google. One thing Google has going for it is it knows where there’s a lot of traffic and routes around it, OSM doesn’t have the data to do that.
Organic Maps also has an Android Auto version, though I don’t have anything to try that.
I use Apple Maps.
Do the Trump dipshits realize they’re just renaming it after the continent? The continent that Mexico is also on? There is no country named ‘America.’ There are the United States of America: a federation of semi autonomous states that are almost exclusively located on the North American continent.
They’re already living in a country that they think is named America. Much of the world follows suit too.
Trump dipshits
There’s your answer.
We just call it the Gulf Coast here.
But if they really wanna get nitpicky, might as well rename it to the Gulf of Oil.
I prefer to call it the Gulf of Golf Balls after the BP spill.
BP is still sorry.
I live on the Gulf of Goat Shit, so Golf Balls works for me as well 👍
What a bunch of pussies.
Getting groups to go along with your stupid minor lies is the first step. That way when you start doing the bigger important lies they are already used to just going along with your lies.
This is straight from the authoritarian play book and Trump is not doing this without purpose.
That’s fucked, but I use OSM anyways
Yei, another service I’ll dump and self host. I’ll just get a nice big server, dump everything there, and then get rid of all my last Google crap
The only thing I’ll miss is YouTube, not for the site, but for the content
Fuck Google