What era in time do these people think R’s are trying to conserve to, after or before civil rights?
People need to stop treating this like team sports. If a party does not represent you then don’t vote for them. It’s really that simple.
The Democrats don’t represent most of the people who vote for them, either. They’re just not nearly as bad as Republicans.
Which is why, while I do vote democrat, I am not a democrat. Their interests are more aligned with mine than the republicans, even though they might as well both be on the god damn moon.
People identifying so strongly with some political party like this is so weird and disgusting, regardless of party.
Yup. We need to move theoverton window back
In Europe, where there’s typically way more choice, the candidate I usually end up voting for isn’t necessarily the greatest. It’s the least bad realistic choice available. Because that’s how democracy works, there aren’t great candidates anyway. Just vaguely better choices.
At least Europe has actual left-wing parties. Here it’s right-wing or full-on nazi.
That’s the next level. First we need to get people to stop voting against themselves.
It’s everywhere. Portuguese here and I tell you, I can’t remember the last election I voted for who I actually wanted. Now is just the neo nazis pushing and people like me voting for the lesser evil because if we don’t we are screwed.
This is everything. When I go to my local pizza joint, I’m picking the least bad option. What I really want is to fly to Sicily and get the same one I had there before, but that’s not an option.
Oh yeah? Well you say that because your team is shit!My team is a multiple-time genocide winner, and went several times in the finals for racism and segregation and is probably still one of the best for transphoby, homophoby and misogyny. Go fascists!
Vote your interests not your pride.
That’s… that’s kinda a damning statement on the democrats as well. But double so in this case
Yeah. The only reason politicians get away with not actually representing us is because we don’t demand it.
Tribalism at its finest
He’s not even part of their tribe lol
You’re making way to hard for most people out there.
/s <<just incase
I don’t understand how he missed the part that Republicans are largely anti-lgbtq.
Everyone who supports authoritarianism thinks they’re going to be the exception. They can see other people who their politics denigrates as outsiders easily, but they could never be outsiders because they’re them and they buy into the bullying. They think signalling that they’re on board with mistreating other people will protect them from being mistreated, but all it does in reality is create a society where no one is safe.
Even the powerful people who buy into this thinking will find that it bites them in the ass eventually. They may be late on the list, but they’re still on the list. Eventually either the ever-shrinking circle of “insiders” will exclude them, or they’ll be in the last in-group once they’ve alienated the rest of society and put their own safety at risk. Every dictator is terrified of this, because they’ve seen how it plays out. They’re just gambling that it won’t happen to them, but eventually the mob will come. The best they can hope for is to delay it as long as possible.
But queer Republicans? Republicans of color? Disabled Republicans? Republican women even? They’re on the chopping block from the start and are only surrounding themselves with the people who want to diminish them while alienating anyone who might genuinely want to help.
All the more reason they can’t look directly at it. They think if they don’t make eye contact or try to fight back or run, the predator won’t come for them. They couldn’t be more wrong.
doing this will only push me and other people like me out!
That’s the point. Next, to the camps for you.
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
Dear Trump, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’, I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
and should gulp it down with a warm jug of piss for good measure.
I’m also pro 2nd Amendment, but I’m not a stupid single issue voter, democracy is more important than guns lol.
Also, when the fuck was trump ever “pro 2nd amendment”
Remember: “Take their guns first, due process later”
Why do right-wingers think this guy is “pro 2nd amendment”? 🤣
I am pro second amendment. I believe the constitution explicitly grants the states the right to regulate militias.
Fun facts: The 2nd amendment was created before bullets let alone bump stocks. Kamala was a gun owner. Trump isn’t allowed to own one because he’s a convicted rapist.
It’s because he’s a convicted felon. The rape thing was in civil court.
Not just before bullets and rifling, but firearms were single shot muzzle loaded.
What’s the relevance? There were also cannons…
Cannons that were massive and while they could deal a great deal of damage in a single firing, everyone would see it coming. Cannon required a lot of support or else their crew would get wiped out by enemy foot soldiers. You couldn’t just pop out, surprise, fire a cannon before anyone notices.
The writers of the amendment wouldn’t have conceived of small arms that would allow a single person to rapidly take down dozens of people at significant distance without any warning or support. Melee weapons were the only viable weapons for a prolonged single person fight, with small arms requiring a long reload activity between shots where the wielder was vulnerable and big weapons being huge, slow, and similarly vulnerable before even the first shot. All of the firearms of the time had the projectile go vaguely in the direction of firing, so at range it was essentially useless for a person by themself without a bunch of others firing balls chaotically in the same direction in hopes of hitting their target.
Im pro 2ndA Democrat as well but this who thing is pretty damning proof that there is no need for guns because we Wouldn’t use them anyways.
But damn guns are fun to shoot… But im not sure the pros outweigh the cons anymore since the biggest pro seems to be a lie and the biggest con is how many of us die needlessly to them.
Yeah so I’m not using my guns to enact violent revolution. But if the neo-SS comes to take me to a slave camp, they’re going to have a bad day.
Oh hey I’ve met these guys. They’re not well liked by their fellow gays
They’re not well liked.
I think that probably would’ve sufficed. Even the Republicans shun gay Republicans because they don’t want them to exist. Gay Republicans are like the most baffling thing to me. Like a Jewish Nazi.
There were always Jewish Nazis, or at least enablers. They’re called Kapo, which is one of the most insulting words a Jew can call another. When Bergen-Belsen was liberated, the prisoners turned on the Kapos, and lynched 170 of them on the spot.
One of HitlerPig’s closest and most loyal advisors is one: Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller.
Perhaps we should extend the meaning to include gay Republicans, or at least gay MAGAs.
Gay people can be gullible and naive too. Nobody said they were perfect.
Notice how the author justifies himself. He’s pro-life, 2nd, ect…
This screams “I’m one of the good ones”, and implies that he has internalized homophobia. Anyway, it’s some next level “pick me” shit.
A “pick me” wanker.
“When i vote R, i didn’t think” sums it up nicely.
That Jordan guy is a real idiot
Oh man that’s the stuff. That man is actually opening the leopards mouth and placing his face right in.
I can’t believe face eating leopards eat faces…
They really are stupid aren’t they.
Many want Trump voters to be this kind of evil villain, but if you know any, they’re dumb, arrogant, fragile assholes.
Never assume malfeasance where plain incompetence will suffice as an explanation.
Where that falls short is just how much of the population that appears to include. I’m all set to believe in plain incompetence, weaponized incompetence, stubborn incompetence …. But 50% of voters?
It’s obviously not an absolutism, though I think we’d be surprised how many people it covers. Propaganda runs deep in this country and the distorted funhouse mirror that they view the world through is pretty effective. Certainly there are bad actors, but it’s a small part of the whole. Even those on “the left” (in truth they are mostly center right) have a skewed and highly misinformed view of politics. Many people’s hearts are in the right place but their brains are mush and the Overton window is so far right that they can’t tell their asses from a hole in the ground. Generational trauma has created a country of Stockholm Syndrome victims who identify with their captors (the rich). To paraphrase Warren Buffet “It’s a class war and the rich are winning”. Working class unity and class consciousness are the only thing that might save us. I’m not convinced that THAT will happen though, given what I see going on and the response. I really hope I’m wrong.
Deep in human history, staying in good graces with our tribe was more important to survival than having beliefs be factual. We are genetically hardwired to pull whatever mental gymnastics are required to maintain membership in the tribe, because our ancestors who failed at that died before passing on their genes. It’s not really stupidity or incompetence, it’s an operating system property.
They’re disgusting Traitors, every last one of them. When this is over, we should shun every last one of them from society.
If this is ever done, you’ll find that nobody ever liked that Trump guy anyway. Just like how nobody in Germany voted for Hitler.
It’s pretty obvious who voted for Hitler, it’s the same whack-a-doodle Christians that voted for Trump. It’s always the religious weirdos who can’t keep it to themselves and feel the need to censor anyone who doesn’t think like them. Anytime I saw a church in Germany I assumed it was much like America: a fascist stomping ground under the watch of perpetually tortured dude who did nothing wrong. So fucking wierd.
“I’ll never leave this party that hates me”
Because Democrats are icky. They have emotions and feelings and empathy and stuff. Not like real men. /S
Pity they won’t realize until is too late.
Likely not even then
“But im a good Jew, I’ll happily walk to my death voluntarily”
They claimed to accept black people way before you, and they didn’t (look at the sieg heils and white supremacy claims). They only pretended to accept gay people recently, and you thought this was serious?
Time to break out ol’ trusty.