What era in time do these people think R’s are trying to conserve to, after or before civil rights?
No fucking way this is real
Think about it, if I was gay, voted republican and sees this regression to pre gay times , I would sure as shit be too embarrassed to say anything and there’s no way I’d post about it
That Jordan guy is a real idiot
“Dear Republicans. When I voted to have people’s rights stripped away and their lives ruined, I didn’t think it included me!”
Eat shit, asshole.
and should gulp it down with a warm jug of piss for good measure.
Dear Trump, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’, I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
Notice how the author justifies himself. He’s pro-life, 2nd, ect…
This screams “I’m one of the good ones”, and implies that he has internalized homophobia. Anyway, it’s some next level “pick me” shit.
A “pick me” wanker.
Just one man’s opinion, but I’d rather have the picture and discussion here than a link to reddit.
What an idiot…
Quite likely a troll account.
Edit: meaning the source of the screenshot, not who I was replying to.
Did the picture not show up for you here? I’m using old.lemmy.world so i can see it on my end
I don’t know why octopus posted that or how it has the most votes, because you didn’t post a reddit link. I am using the Voyager app and I can see the image.
I had to click through to reddit though. (And FWIW it did not link to old.reddit)
Not giving you a hard time though, just grumpy about reddit because reddit. :D
In any case it looks like you edited it and it loads fine now… 🙂
I know very little about gay rights history in the US but in a quick search I learned that the supreme court case that made same sex marriage legal was put forth by a Democrat.
Another thing is that I’m under the impression that the Replublican party is very much a Religeous party that does not reconize anything outside Men-Women relations. I’m always confused to hear about gay Republicans.
“one day I’ll be that boot!”
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you can’t be half as confused as they must be… 🤣😂 I mean, maybe I’m misremembering things here, but I feel like the GOP-at-large just recently (like within the last decade?) stopped publicly referring to homosexuality/homosexuals as ‘an abomination,’ which even then kinda felt like a begrudgingly made concession of necessity at best… No?
I’m not gonna lie, I’m more than a little shocked at this point everytime Trump mentions someone being “BL-A-ack.” I keep waiting for him to shift into full Dementia Don mode and just drop some hard Rs
They almost immediately switched to attacking trans people. They must be able to focus on some external group as being The Enemy, but they took a sudden loss on gay rights and they saw how deeply unpopular their position really was. Immediate switch to talking about bathroom bans and women’s sports. They even peeled off a section of the gay/lesbian community over this.
And some of these people just completely failed to see the similarities.
Like, some of the transphobic caricatures that have gone around over the years should’ve rung alarm bells in the minds of even people who don’t like us. They look like cartoons by A Wyatt Mann or other openly nazi cartoonists.
I’d like people to like us and believe us to be valuable members of their communities and societies. But I’ll settle for an understanding that opposing us hinders everyone’s freedoms and that some of those who stand against us wouldn’t like the people next to them
The issues with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans seem similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews, being gay isn’t a character trait, it’s a sexuality and its stands to reason that lots (although a minority) of gay people are generally conservative when it comes to every other issue than gay rights. And they deceive themselves into the idea that they can be “one of the good ones” and either that the party has already, or that they will move the party towards an accepting attitude.
LCR president Greg Angelo described the “preservation of LGBT rights and support for the LGBT community” as hallmarks of Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign, and asserted that support would continue during his presidency.
They threw the gays and lesbians into mental institutions until around 1970.
Talking to Republican acquaintances who have lost their jobs to musk, they all say similar ideas. “I’m team Republican, so I voted R. Couldn’t let the Ds win. They are the like our division rivals”. Its literally a game to them, and election day is their Superbowl.
the greatest con ever played on the public was convincing tens of millions of Americans that their civil rights were a game to them. Normalizing an attitude of “we might loose, but they won’t win either”.
Us vs Them isn’t red vs blue, it’s the rich donors vs their productive workers. The vast majority of Republicans and Democrats are actually on the same “side.”
Developing class consciousness is one of the few ways out of this mess.
i agree wholeheartedly. there ain’t no warfare but class warfare. look at iraq, do you really think we would have gone in if they were just another dirt poor country? naw.
“So why’re you so mad? Y’all won! Think of it this way: you now have all day, everyday to celebrate!”
Most hilarious example of this is Alex Jones, who now has everything he screamed for for 30+ years and now doesnt know what to do with his show. He is now forced to support every idea that he preached was reprehensible all that time.
I have listened to many hours of Knowledge Fight and you are correct. Wild to go back and listen from the first episodes like I’ve done recently
I’m also pro 2nd Amendment, but I’m not a stupid single issue voter, democracy is more important than guns lol.
Also, when the fuck was trump ever “pro 2nd amendment”
Remember: “Take their guns first, due process later”
Why do right-wingers think this guy is “pro 2nd amendment”? 🤣
I am pro second amendment. I believe the constitution explicitly grants the states the right to regulate militias.
Fun facts: The 2nd amendment was created before bullets let alone bump stocks. Kamala was a gun owner. Trump isn’t allowed to own one because he’s a convicted rapist.
It’s because he’s a convicted felon. The rape thing was in civil court.
Not just before bullets and rifling, but firearms were single shot muzzle loaded.
What’s the relevance? There were also cannons…
Cannons that were massive and while they could deal a great deal of damage in a single firing, everyone would see it coming. Cannon required a lot of support or else their crew would get wiped out by enemy foot soldiers. You couldn’t just pop out, surprise, fire a cannon before anyone notices.
The writers of the amendment wouldn’t have conceived of small arms that would allow a single person to rapidly take down dozens of people at significant distance without any warning or support. Melee weapons were the only viable weapons for a prolonged single person fight, with small arms requiring a long reload activity between shots where the wielder was vulnerable and big weapons being huge, slow, and similarly vulnerable before even the first shot. All of the firearms of the time had the projectile go vaguely in the direction of firing, so at range it was essentially useless for a person by themself without a bunch of others firing balls chaotically in the same direction in hopes of hitting their target.
Im pro 2ndA Democrat as well but this who thing is pretty damning proof that there is no need for guns because we Wouldn’t use them anyways.
But damn guns are fun to shoot… But im not sure the pros outweigh the cons anymore since the biggest pro seems to be a lie and the biggest con is how many of us die needlessly to them.
Yeah so I’m not using my guns to enact violent revolution. But if the neo-SS comes to take me to a slave camp, they’re going to have a bad day.
“It doesn’t matter until it affects me” - republicans who thought “winning” would just hurt those they disagreed with.
doing this will only push me and other people like me out!
I love being republican and would never be a democrat
A bit hard to take the threat seriously when you already admitted it would never happen.
Back to the mouth-breathing times…
This isn’t real, right? Because if it is I’d like to know the piece and origin
People need to stop treating this like team sports. If a party does not represent you then don’t vote for them. It’s really that simple.
Oh yeah? Well you say that because your team is shit!My team is a multiple-time genocide winner, and went several times in the finals for racism and segregation and is probably still one of the best for transphoby, homophoby and misogyny. Go fascists!
The Democrats don’t represent most of the people who vote for them, either. They’re just not nearly as bad as Republicans.
Which is why, while I do vote democrat, I am not a democrat. Their interests are more aligned with mine than the republicans, even though they might as well both be on the god damn moon.
People identifying so strongly with some political party like this is so weird and disgusting, regardless of party.
Yup. We need to move theoverton window back
In Europe, where there’s typically way more choice, the candidate I usually end up voting for isn’t necessarily the greatest. It’s the least bad realistic choice available. Because that’s how democracy works, there aren’t great candidates anyway. Just vaguely better choices.
At least Europe has actual left-wing parties. Here it’s right-wing or full-on nazi.
That’s the next level. First we need to get people to stop voting against themselves.
It’s everywhere. Portuguese here and I tell you, I can’t remember the last election I voted for who I actually wanted. Now is just the neo nazis pushing and people like me voting for the lesser evil because if we don’t we are screwed.
This is everything. When I go to my local pizza joint, I’m picking the least bad option. What I really want is to fly to Sicily and get the same one I had there before, but that’s not an option.
Vote your interests not your pride.
That’s… that’s kinda a damning statement on the democrats as well. But double so in this case
Yeah. The only reason politicians get away with not actually representing us is because we don’t demand it.
You’re making way to hard for most people out there.
/s <<just incase
Tribalism at its finest
He’s not even part of their tribe lol
Typical conservative reasoning: “I don’t mind banning abortion, because I personally will never be affected”
…until you are affected…
A gay republican; or, as they’re more commonly known as in the LGBT community, a “bitch-ass traitor”.
“[…] this will only push me and other people like me out.”
I mean… Yeah… That IS kind of their whole point!?