Here is the Friday/weekend piñone! It’s a 17-letter one today so buckle up!

The mobile bug of not being able to select the last letter of an anagram word is now fixed!

Best of luck!!


Solve the grid using the clues provided. The direction of the word is indicated by the number around the grid (so some words are backwards).

After you complete the grid, click the pencil icon tab at the bottom to switch over to solve the anagram. The title is a hint to the anagram.

    4 days ago

    6:14 on mobile, the clue for 5 up/down was not showing up on my device (iPad)


    I’m old I don’t know most current songs

    • OliveSheep@lemmy.worldOP
      4 days ago

      I won’t lie to you, I didn’t know the song myself 😅 but 6:14 on mobile with a clue missing is a very solid time for a 17-letter puzzle!!

      Part of my long-term vision for the puzzles is to allow people to opt in to certain knowledge types. So, by default you would only have access to puzzles that contain common words, and then you can select the general things you know about to add more puzzles that contain words within that knowledge base. Does that sound like a decent way to go about it, or do you not mind a few clues that are outside your general knowledge?

      Thank you for telling me about the iPad issue - I’ll dive into that and see if I can recreate it and get an issue spun up for the developer to look I to!

  • 22:00 even. That was a tough one for me! Not being familiar with either Kendrick Lamar songs or hockey leagues in Ontario, I had to solve the anagram one letter short then go back to the crossword.