Why even bother with energy thieves?
I know, right? I’d be aborting it.
Ah the old Lemmy switcheroo.
I do miss this one. Didn’t see it much on that other site in the last few years, so I’m guessing I’m in the minority :(
Hold my pregnancy test, I’m going i-*THUD*
the birthing grounds are here. welcome, everyone, to the first official (hopefully) lemmy switch-a-roo.
it doesn’t get much better than completely copying reddit culture that existed 10 years ago
in my experience is people coming from already broken families desperately trying to retain some connection so their kids don’t grow up alone. the sad payoff though is it generally just makes everyone more miserable for the effort.
Ya know what made me infertile? Covid!
It’s been more than 3 years and my period is still AWOL.
I wish my period went AWOL after one Covid episode and 3 Biontech. I am tired of being annoyed at the summer for no reason
Sounds like you’ve become a run-on sentence. I hope the author comes back for you if that’s what you’re hoping for.
Well, my wife hasn’t been pregnant since we got the vaccine. That may have more to do with planning ahead and my vasectomy than the vaccine, but we’re going to keep trying.
That happened 🙄
What part of it is hard to believe?