[T]he report’s executive summary certainly gets to the heart of their findings.

“The rhetoric from small modular reactor (SMR) advocates is loud and persistent: This time will be different because the cost overruns and schedule delays that have plagued large reactor construction projects will not be repeated with the new designs,” says the report. “But the few SMRs that have been built (or have been started) paint a different picture – one that looks startlingly similar to the past. Significant construction delays are still the norm and costs have continued to climb.”

  • pyrflie@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    So looking at the article it seems to be against small scale traditional (fission/boiler) systems. Which are fair game. They were pretty much outdated over 50 years ago. I would be more interested in studies on dispersed Thorium Reactors which held far more potential as little as a decade ago.

    • vzq@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Nuclear technologies missed their window. The use cases where they are the best technical solution now are extremely limited, and that means you can get the investment going to improve them.

      It’s a curiosity now.

      There’s an alternative timeline where Chernobyl doesn’t happen and we decarbonize by leaning on nuclear in the nineties, then transition to renewables about now. But that’s not our timeline. And if it were, it would be in the past now.

      • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        So, essentially, nuclear power is like airships, except with worse disasters?

      • JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
        4 months ago

        I disagree, a bit.

        Base load is still hard to get with renewables, unless you can get a somewhat consistent level of power from them. That’s basically just hydro/tidal and geothermal at this point, and all of those have very limited areas where they can be used.

        Nuclear, on the other hand, can be built anywhere except my backyard.

        We have four choices:

        • Discover/build another form of consistent renewable energy (what’s left? Dyson sphere?)
        • Up our storage game, big time (hydrostatic batteries, flywheel farms, lithium, hydrogen, whatever, just somewhere to put all this extra green energy)
        • Embrace nuclear
        • Clutch on to fossil fuels until we all boil/choke.

        We can do all of them concurrently, provided there’s money for it, but we only give money to the last one.

        • intensely_human@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          So how much would it cost to do geothermal to power a city? It must be wildly infeasible if I’ve never even heard it mentioned. Can significant electric generation be had from that?

        • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
          4 months ago

          Exactly. I live in Utah, which is perfect for nuclear:

          • desert close by with a mountain between the desert and dense population
          • lots of coal power, and unique air quality concerns due to inversion
          • perfectly set up for mass transit - about half (more than half?) of the population lives in a narrow corridor, so cars could be replaced with electric trains and buses
          • no access to the ocean, geothermal is probably expensive due to hard rock, no tides, hydro couldn’t be done at scale, cold winters make battery storage hard, etc

          So why don’t we do it? FUD. We should have a nuclear base with solar and wind helping out, but instead we have a coal base and are transitioning to natural gas. That’s dumb. And it’s hilarious because we sell electricity to California when their backbone isn’t sufficient.

          It’s probably not the best option everywhere, but it’s a really good option in many areas.

          • GamingChairModel@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            So why don’t we do it? FUD.

            A consortium of Utah’s utilities (UAMPS) literally just pulled out of its commitment to backing NuScale’s modular reactor in November 2023. It was a problem of cost, when the construction looked like it was going to become too expensive, at a time when new wind construction is dropping the price of wind power. It basically just couldn’t compete on cost, in the specific environment of servicing Utah.

            geothermal is probably expensive due to hard rock

            I wouldn’t sleep on geothermal as a future broad scale solution for dispatchable (that is, generation that can be dialed up and down on demand) electrical power. The oil and gas fracking industry has greatly improved their technology at imaging geological formations and finding places where water can flow and be pumped, in just the past decade. I expect to see over the next decade geothermal reach viability beyond just the places where geothermal heat is close to the surface.

            • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
              4 months ago

              Yeah, I just saw that news, which apparently happened end of last year. The public wants nuclear (or at least a non-coal base power), but projects keep getting delayed or scrapped due to local lawsuits or local governments pulling financial support.

              Geothermal is cool, and apparently there’s an active project. It should produce 400MW, which is pretty significant, but still a pretty small fraction of total capacity (~9.5GW).

              If the Blue Castle project ever finishes, it’ll supply ~1.5GW power. That, with geothermal, could take up ~1/4 of the total energy generation, which would be a really good start. I’d also like to see hydrogen production as a “battery” source (produce from solar, burn at night). Looks like that’s under development as well.

              Lots of interesting things are happening now, I just wish they started 10+ years ago…

              • frezik@midwest.social
                4 months ago

                Scrapping the NuScale project had nothing to do with lawsuits. Governments pulled their financial support because projected costs were exceeding what was contractually promised, mostly due to pandemic-related supply chain and inflation issues.

                This is typical of nuclear. The industry wants to believe its problem is regulation. It’s not, at least not if you want to have better safety guarantees than the Soviet Union did. Its problem is that to be safe, nuclear is expensive, and there doesn’t appear to be a way out of that.

      • Rakonat@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        From where I stand you couldn’t be further from the reality of the situation.

        Nuclear has a number of advantages from low carbon output per kilowatt over lifetime as well as being extremely cheap per kilowatt.

        But the real advantage being overlooked is the small foot print and land use compared to other forms power generation. A nuclear reactor is ideal for high density population areas, adding no pollution like fossil fuels and using a fraction of the land that renewables require. And there is room for overlap between renewables and nuclear as well, meaning days where wind or solar would produce more power than usual, its easy to scale back solar production to take advantage of cheaper power, and vice versa for times when renewables aren’t going to generate enough to meet demand nuclear can increase their output relatively quickly and effectively.

        The future of nuclear is however one of the most important. We are eventually going to be spending humans to other planets, and having mature, efficient and compact forms of power generation with long lifetimes and minimal start up power from idle states is going to be important, solar gets less effective the further from the sun we get, you can’t stick a wind turbine on a space craft and expect good results, and you’re out of your mind if you want to burn fossil fuels in an oxygen limited environment.

        Treating nuclear as more than a curiosity but rather as the genuine lifeline and corner stone of our futures and future generations is significantly more important than fossil fuel profits today and all their propaganda.

        • MonkderDritte@feddit.de
          4 months ago

          as well as being extremely cheap per kilowatt.

          What? How? Far as i know it’s the most expensive, with a lot of hidden costs.

          • Rakonat@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            When costs are level per kilowatt over lifetime Nuclear is cheaper thanks to economies of scale, it’s only more expensive when plants are restricted by local authorities in how much they can produce in a given cycle so that other power generators in the energy sector can fill their contracts. When these artificial caps are removed and the plant is allowed to operate as intended and no kneecapped to allow coal and oil plants to operate at their peak effeciency rates, nuclear drops below .10USD. And thats using outdated equipment and maintaining the absurdly high safety standards saddled upon them despite being the safest form of power production bar none.

            • frezik@midwest.social
              4 months ago

              When these artificial caps are removed and the plant is allowed to operate as intended and no kneecapped to allow coal and oil plants to operate at their peak effeciency rates, nuclear drops below .10USD.

              Wholesale or retail cost? Either way, that’s not especially cheap compared to renewables.

              Nuclear may be cost competitive with putting solar panels in space at this point. Granted, that’s back of the envelope costs for a hypothetical space based solar system compared to nuclear plants that already exist. But the fact that they’re close is not a good sign for nuclear.

              Plants will take 10 years to build, at least. If every permit was signed today, there wouldn’t be a single GW of this new nuclear going on the grid until 2034. We’re aiming for major reduction in CO2 by 2030. Oh, and the huge amount of concrete needed would create a massive spike in CO2 by itself. Timeline issues alone kill nuclear before it starts.

              Edit: fixing autocorrect’s corrections

        • AA5B@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The space based nukes paragraph is irrelevant. While I agree with the point thtat it may not only be useful for long term space habitation, it may be required, I don’t see what that has to do with earth based commercial power generation. They’re very different beasts with little overlap. That’s like saying you support corn based subsidies, because we’ll have to grow crops off world: true but not relevant.

        • Lichtblitz@discuss.tchncs.de
          4 months ago

          Extremely cheap per kilowatt? Every statistic out there that I’ve seen and that includes government funding, as well as construction and deconstruction costs, paints a different picture. Nuclear is only competitive with coal or the relatively underdeveloped solar thermal.

          In 2017 the US EIA published figures for the average levelized costs per unit of output (LCOE) for generating technologies to be brought online in 2022, as modelled for its Annual Energy Outlook. These show: advanced nuclear, 9.9 ¢/kWh; natural gas, 5.7-10.9 ¢/kWh (depending on technology); and coal with 90% carbon sequestration, 12.3 ¢/kWh (rising to 14 ¢/kWh at 30%). Among the non-dispatchable technologies, LCOE estimates vary widely: wind onshore, 5.2 ¢/kWh; solar PV, 6.7 ¢/kWh; offshore wind, 14.6 ¢/kWh; and solar thermal, 18.4 ¢/kWh.

          Emphasis mine, source: https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/economic-aspects/economics-of-nuclear-power

          • Rnet1234@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            If you scroll down literally like. A paragraph past that you will see a very nice table showing the spread of nuclear costs. Some (including in the US, which is used for the EIA figures) are quite expensive, but others (notably South Korea) are very much cost-competitive or better than renewables. Also worth noting, the renewable estimates have spread themselves, and do not include overinstallation/storage required to behave as firm power.

            Which is to say:

            A - there certainly are quite a few places that nuclear doesn’t make sense, at least currently. Including the US

            B - equally, there are a lot of places around the world where nuclear is competitive

            C - we should perhaps look at why the US is so expensive relative to other countries; it’s not some law of nature, we can change it. And it’s probably not just because other countries under-regulate them (I’d buy that for some of the countries listed)

            • Lichtblitz@discuss.tchncs.de
              4 months ago

              I specifically picked the statistic that claimed to have included the full cost of installing something new. Most other statistics only include prolonging the life of existing plants, thus ignoring the installation costs completely. You can just quote the paragraphs that prove your point the same way I have and then we can discuss further. Maybe I made a mistake, who knows.

  • BrightCandle@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    They are still going for big building size reactors that have site specific details even if the core is built in a “factory”. This still doesn’t scale well.

    I wonder if it can be economical to go smaller still and ship a reactor and power generation (TRG maybe or a small turbine) that then doesn’t require much other than connecting wiring and plumbing and its encased in at least one security layer covered in sensors if something goes wrong its all contained. Then its just a single lorry with a box you wire in. That has a chance of being scalable and easy to deploy and I can’t help but think there is a market for ~0.5-10 KW reactors if they can get the lowest end down to about $20,000, it would compete OK with solar and wind price wise.

    I suspect no one has bothered because the regulatory overhead means it has to be big enough to be worth it and like Wind power scales enormously with the size of the plant. But what I want is a tiny reactor in my basement, add a few batteries for dealing with the duck curve and you have something that will sit there producing power for 25 years and a contract for it be repaired and ultimately collected at end of life.

    You can sort of do this today using the Tritium glow sticks and solar cells but it doesn’t last long enough and the price is not competitive. Going more directly to the band gap in a silicon or something else semi-conductive and a long lived nuclear material could maybe get a little closer price wise.

      • BigDanishGuy@sh.itjust.works
        4 months ago

        I wouldn’t mind one in my basement… If I had a basement. But I do have a nice shed, where a 30MW reactor would fit nicely.

        Nukeheads are insane

        That’s your opinion. My opinion is that we need distributed power generation that can handle baseload. And neither solar nor wind can do that. My personal experience is, that our wind turbine usually doesn’t spin for several periods of up to 10 days in December through March. And energy storage with the required capacity still doesn’t exist either. Thus the power plants will be burning LNG, biomass, garbage or oil and coal, for the foreseeable future.

        A centrally controlled, well regulated, network of small reactors will solve the problem.

        • bc93@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The majority of studies show that a global transition to 100% renewable energy across all sectors – power, heat, transport and industry – is feasible and economically viable.

          • Telodzrum@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Actually, none of them do. This other guy is insane and no one gets a reactor in their basement, but we have neither the production capacity nor the time to avoid nuclear being a significant portion of all energy in a fissile free future.

            • bc93@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              You’d better let the International Energy Agency, a department of the OECD, know that their research and report is wrong, then.

              “Substantiated by in-depth case studies, this report infers that, almost anywhere on the planet, nearly 100% variable renewable energy (VRE) resources such as solar and wind power grids firmly supplying clean power and meeting demand 24/365 are not only possible but would be economically viable.”

        • hellofriend@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Look, friend: as much as I like nuclear energy and decentralization of the powder grid, per home reactors could never, ever work. For the simple reason that the majority of us filthy apes are complete idiots. Furthermore, nuclear works currently because it has oversight by educated, trained professionals in a setting where oversight can be effective. Even if you had some sort of travelling nuclear engineer that would check up on your garage reactor, if anything ever went wrong with it then the response time would be too long to adequately deal with the situation.

          The only way a distributed network of reactors could work is if it either had massive overhead or if literally everyone had training on the maintenance of a nuclear reactor. And this isn’t even mentioning the possibility of adverse weather events potentially damaging the reactor or how the waste would be dealt with.

        • Nuclear reactors are ill-suited for baseloads, because they can’t scale their output in an economical way.

          You always want the cheapest power available to fulfill demand, which is solar and wind. Those regularly provide more than 100% of the demand. At this point, any other power sources would shut off due to economical reasons. Same with nuclear, nobody wants to buy expensive nuclear energy at peak solar/wind hours, so the reactor needs to turn off. And while some designs can fairly quickly power down, powering up is a different matter and doing either in an economically feasible way is a fantasy right now.

          If solar and wind don’t provide enough power to satisfy demand, some other power source needs to turn on. Studies have already shown that current-gen battery storage is capable of doing so. Alternatives could be hydrogen or gas power stations. Nuclear isn’t an option economically speaking.

      • Lumisal@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I sympathized with your statement immediately, but then after thinking about it for a bit, most people basically have controlled pressure bombs (gas-water boilers) and buildings filled with gas pipes that can (and have) wiped out whole city blocks.

        It’s still not a good idea, obviously, but localized fossil fuels are also ridiculous when you think about it.

  • machinin@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    Does anyone know about the technology that nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers use? Why are they able to operate but we can’t use the same technology on land?

    • Poayjay@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I was a nuclear operator in the Navy. Here are the actual reasons:

      1. The designs are classified US military assets
      2. They are not refuleable
      3. They only come in 2 “sizes”: aircraft carrier and submarine
      4. They are not scaleable. You can just make a reactor 2x as big
      5. They require as much down time as up time
      6. They are outdated
      7. The military won’t let you interrupt their supply chain to make civilian reactors
      8. New designs over promise and underdeliver
      9. They are optimized for erratic operations (combat) not steady state (normal power loads)
      10. They are engineered assuming they have infinite sea water available for everything

      There’s more but that’s just off the top of my head

    • assassinatedbyCIA@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I’m pretty sure most military reactors use weapons grade uranium that’s enriched to mid 90%. Countries get sensitive when you start enriching uranium to the mid 90s.

    • WhiteHotaru@feddit.de
      4 months ago

      Because if the military wants something, budgets are big. And they do not need to make money.

        • Zron@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Gotta love how the post office is legally required to show they can turn a profit, but the military has a history of building literal burn pits that essentially burn US tax dollars by lighting equipment on fire and giving soldiers cancer.

          • PriorityMotif@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I don’t think the military should show a profit. That would just bring back colonialism. Although, they do make a hefty profit for defense contractors.

            • Zron@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              The fact that this was your take away is concerning.

              No government service should have to show a profit. If it’s an essential service, then it needs to be done. The only time money should come into it is in regular audits to ensure the budget is being used efficiently.

  • daltotron@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    So an interesting thing I’ve noticed people doing is basically claiming that whatever other side is being astroturfed by the “real evil”, right. “Fossil fuel is funding renewable FUD of nuclear reactors!” or “Fossil fuels is funding nuclear FUD of renewables!”. You can also see this with liberals claiming that anyone who disagrees with the DNC is a Russian bot, and with people who disagree with libs claiming that libs fund radical right-wing candidates as an election strategy and that this is one of the reasons why they are basically just as bad as those right-wingers.

    The core thing you need to understand about this, as a claim, is that they can both be true. They can both be backed opposition, controlled opposition, astroturfing. Because it’s not so much that they’re funding one racehorse that they want to be their opposition, so much as they are going to fund both sides, plant bad faith actors among both sides, bad faith discourse and division, thought terminating cliches, logical fallacies, whatever, and then by fueling the division, they’ve successfully destroyed their opposition. The biggest help to the fossil fuels lobby isn’t the fact that conversations about nuclear or renewables are happening when “we should be pushing, we should be in emergency mode, everyone should agree with me or get busted” right, as part of this “emergency mode” is us having these conversations. No, the biggest help to fossil fuels lobbies is the nature of the discourse, rather than the subjects of the discourse.

    Also I find it stupid that people are arguing for all in on one of the other. That’s dumb. Really, very incredibly dumb. Mostly as I see this discourse happening in a disconnected top-down vacuum separate from any real world concerns because everyone just wants to be “correct” in the largest sense of the word and then have that be it. Realistically, renewables and nuclear are contextually dependant. Renewables can be better supplemented by energy storage solutions to solve their not matching precisely the power usage curves and trends, but a lot of those proposed storage solutions require large amounts of concrete, careful consideration of environmental effects, and large amounts engineering, i.e. the same shit as nuclear. It can both be true that baseload doesn’t matter so much as things like solar can more closely match the power usage curves naturally for desert climates where large amounts of sunlight and heat will create larger needs for A/C, and it can also be true that baseload is a reality in other cases where you can’t as easily transition power needs or try to offset them without larger amounts of infrastructural investment or power losses. Can’t exactly preheat homes in the day so they stay warm at night, in a cold climate, if the r-values for your homes are ass because everyone has a disconnected suburban shithovel that they’re not recouping maintenance costs of when they pay taxes.

    These calculations of cost offsets and efficiencies have to be made in context, they have to be based in reality, otherwise we’re just arguing about fucking nothing at all. Maybe I will also hold water in the debates for money not being a great indicator of what’s possible, probable, or what’s the best long term solution for humanity, too, just to put that out there. But God damn this debate infuriates me to no end because people want to have their like, universal one size fits all top down kingly decree take of, well is this good or bad, instead of just understanding a greater, more nuanced take on the subject.

    If you wanna have a top-down take on what’s the best, you probably want global, big solar satellites, that beam energy down with microwave lasers.

  • pizzazz@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Lemy has such a hard on against nuclear. I’m seeing reports by antinuclear think tank grifters shoved in my face almost daily…

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      4 months ago

      I’ve seen opinions very strongly in both directions on here. I’m very pro-nuclear, but the largest issues they face is always bureaucracy. It sucks that an artificial thing is what’s stopping then usually, but it is true. We need some protections to keep things safe, but it seems too harsh for nuclear compared to the dangers it presents opposed to the dangers of other power sources.

      • pizzazz@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Absolutely, and it’s by design by candid admission of environmentalist organizations and green parties. Their objective was over regulating the industry beyond any rationality and they succeeded.

    • vzq@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Lemy has such a hard on against nuclear

      Maybe you should spend more time outside. Every flavor of nuclear has worse approval ratings than most dirtbag politicians.

      I’m seeing reports by antinuclear think tank grifters shoved in my face almost daily…

      Why do you think you need to PAY people to oppose nuclear? After seven decades of cockamamie “this time it’s different” schemes most people just moved on.

      • pizzazz@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Woa bro I was saying hard on but this is a full on raging erection maybe you should deal with your frustrations

  • Richard@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Edit: Changed introductory wording to be less belligerent. I am sorry if I have caused a significant level of offense.

    Just wait for the nuclear shills to flood in and claim that nuclear fission is a sustainable and necessary form of power generation. Some people claim that nuclear fission is a sustainable and necessary form of power generation. It is not. Uranium extraction devastates entire landscapes, the construction of nuclear power plants is too expensive (even for SMRs, as the article explains), ergo electricity prices will climb, it is a hugely wasteful use of so many tonnes of concrete (concrete manufacturing is heavy on the environment too), it creates waste that will still haunt us for hundreds of thousands of years (finding geological structures that are guaranteed to be stable that long is difficult), and relative to the initial construction and set-up effort, they don’t provide that much energy. We already have methods that can provide us plenty enough electricity that are entirely sustainable by leveraging large-scale atmospheric aerodynamics as well as the largest nuclear fusion reactor at our disposal (the sun). There’s simply no need to go nuclear.

    • MudMan@fedia.io
      4 months ago

      I hate that the conversation is happening on these terms. I hate that we have a bunch of opinionated online “teams” on this issue.

      Hey, you know what we need? All of it. Any sort of energy generation that lowers atmospheric emissions in any way we do need. The concept of “nuclear shills” shouldn’t exist, the concept of “solar shills” or “hydrogen shills” or “fossil fuel shills” shouldn’t exist. The entire conversation is a PR battle by energy corps to get people to buy into marketing so they can get governments to back popular choices so they can get expensive contracts for large infrastructure work.

      I hate that we have online keyboard warriors overrepresenting the challenges of one of the contributors to lowering emissions while underrepresenting the challenges of others. Hey, do you think nighttime generation and storage is an issue? Maybe installation costs for domestic solar generation, the state of the grid or the uneven distribution of solar power yields on different territories? Because I do.

      And I do think cost and build times for nuclear generators are a problem (which makes it confusing that some countries are dismantling plants that seem to be working safely and are within their expected lifespan, but I digress).

      And I do think the impact of hydroelectric power in nearby areas is a problem.

      And I do think the open questions for geothermal are a problem.

      And I do think the issues with cost, storage and dirty generation of hydrogen are a problem.

      And I do think we should be working on all of that. At once. This isn’t kids arguing about which game console is better on the backyard, this is a massive existential issue, and would be even if we weren’t dealing with a climate change ticking bomb. This report? It’s bad news. Any report that tells us any of the ideas we have for weaning off fossil fuels is not working as well as we expected is bad news. Can we all get with that program?

      • hannes3120@feddit.de
        4 months ago

        The problem is that “both” isn’t a valid option unless a country has unlimited finances.

        Otherwise you have to decide on what’s the most feasible option and then renewables win big time

        I sometimes feel as if the current push for atomic is from the fossil-lobby as they are aware that it either works and they get 10-20 more years to sell oil until the reactors are built - and even if it doesn’t work out it still will slow down rollout of renewables

        If you have 100 billion to spend on energy producing you have to choose if you want to go all-in with one source or split it up which would move the end of fossil fuels Back further

        Not to mention having to buy the radioactive materials from dictatorships and having problems to cool down the reactors with rising temperatures and rivers running dry

        I just don’t see how atomic isn’t a huge gamble that can backfire hard (and I’m not even talking about catastrophic events like Fukushima)

        • Avid Amoeba@lemmy.ca
          4 months ago

          Most countries have unlimited finances. They only have limited real resources like labor, concrete, copper, glass, etc. The fact that we still don’t understand this and behave as if the metadata of the economy accurately describes reality puts artificial brakes on the solutions of many problems, climate being one of them.

          • hannes3120@feddit.de
            4 months ago

            The problem is that if a country treats money as unlimited and without a cost then inflation will mirror that and people in that country will lose their savings, their job will not pay for their bills anymore and so on

            It’s not as simple as “just spend more”…

            • Avid Amoeba@lemmy.ca
              4 months ago

              Inflation is a symptom of the lack of some real resource. There are many parts of the economies of many countries where there’s unused production capacity which simply “turns more natural resources into more stuff” if more money enters that part of the economy, without producing inflation. It’s not “just spend more”, it’s “spend as much as you can on things that you want done, which aren’t limited by real resources.”

              I found Randall Wray’s lectures on the topic to be eye-opening. If what I wrote sounds strange, and it might, I highly recommend watching some of them. There are a few recordings on YouTube.

      • AA5B@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        All good points, and I’m all for pretty much any technological research, but

        And I do think cost and build times for nuclear generators are a problem

        Thorium is another form of fission generation that has not been commercialized yet. In the real world, maybe it will be better, or maybe it won’t. But fission generation already takes too long to build out, so why switch lanes to a different form of fission generation that also needs more time and money to be commercialized? Nuclear uranium fission generation had its growing pains over the years, as the technology found challenges to address and areas to improve, but thorium has not yet gotten far enough to run into those so there will be additional challenges requiring time, money, further development

        If those were decades ago when the future was bright for fission technology, I’d be all over this. However the future is dark and cloudy for fission generation, nightfall may be approaching. The advantages of thorium are not enough to shine a new light, there’s not enough room for improvement to save fission generation, this is just an expensive detour.

        • areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          This is nonsense. Like someone else said we will need some kind of nuclear power for future space exploration. There are parts of the world that are dark for six months of the year, and plenty of places that don’t get enough light for solar to be practical.

          Most renewable sources are not consistent enough to be used by themselves, and battery storage isn’t practical with current technology. Then there are the concerns with hydro power and biomass and how that affects the environment. I have even been told by leftists that biomass shouldn’t be installed as it destroys too many native forests.

          Of course the actual best solution is one we don’t have the technology for yet: things like nuclear fusion or neutrino capture.

          • MudMan@fedia.io
            4 months ago

            For the record, I disagree with you both and this narrative is also part of the problem in my book. Screw the futurism and longermism of “we need nuclear power for space exploration”. We’re not talking about that. We’re talking about mitigating runaway climate effects and filling the blanks of an alternate energy mix by using complementary tech.

            Absolutely let’s keep working on nuclear power. Absolutely let’s keep working on battery storage, and potential energy storage and thermal storage and wind and geothermal and whatever else we can come up with. And absolutely let’s abandon whatever doesn’t work or is made obsolete, starting with no longer burning hydrocarbons as soon as we can stop.

            There’s this air of erudite dilettantism about this chatter that just pisses me off. People sitting by and idly projecting their sci-fi fantasies about colonizing planets or about a fully solar powered planet and feeling smart about it. Given the short-term, impending human cost of this issue, both for climate reasons and for energy scarcity reasons, that just feels gross at this point.

            • areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              What do you disagree with me? I was trying to back you up up here saying that yes we need nuclear in addition to all the other technologies. I am not saying that you shouldn’t use solar, just that it isn’t applicable everywhere on earth.

              Screw the futurism and longermism of “we need nuclear power for space exploration”. We’re not talking about that.

              You should be talking about that. After all climate change is also a future problem. Staying on a single planet isn’t safe even if you eradicate climate change, war, disease, and just about everything else. There is pretty much nothing stopping a gamma ray burst or stray blackhole, or any number of other things from killing everyone on this planet. Like yeah climate change is a high priority, but it doesn’t make all other issues go away.

              • MudMan@fedia.io
                4 months ago

                Look, I’m just trying to impress something very specific here and I can tell I’m not getting through.

                I’m not here to call out people arguing for or against one or another type of energy generation. I’m complaining about the discourse about this being about long term hypotheticals and optimal solutions when we should be in emergency mode.

                It’s like we’re in a burning building and people are having arguments about the cost per year of different types of fire extinguishers. But if I make this point about someone criticising nuclear power it comes across as me “siding” or “shilling” for nuclear power, same if I do it when someone argues against solar power.

                But I’m neither. I’m arguing for practicality and immediate action. Because we need it now, not because I just finished reading the Dune books and have some really neat ideas about generation ships.