• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I’ll be honest, the playtest was handled so badly and most of the changes were so lazy, that I lost all the interest in getting the new rulebooks. Not that I had any to begin with, after the OGL shitstorm.

    I created revised options for the base 5e classes to play with my friends, and I’m having a lot of fun that way. I’ll pirate legally obtain these new books down the line if it becomes necessary, but me and my friends are accustomed to homebrew everything, so I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

  • TTRPGs are group games and everyone involved should have fun (both the players and the DM).

    Instead of doing a sales pitch, talk sincerely with your players about what you want to do, and try to be receptive of what they expect from next campaign. If you want to run a dungeon crawl that badly, tell them so!

    “Since this is a short campaign during the summer hiatus, it’s a great time to try something new instead of the usual open world sandbox. I’ve been itching for a long time to play an old school dungeon crawl and have prepped a short campaign about etc etc…”.

    If they really don’t care about that kind of play, then don’t push it. If they are willing to try, then go for it.

  • Aielman15@lemmy.worldtoAsexual@lemmy.worldHello
    3 months ago

    There hasn’t been much activity here. I suppose Lemmy userbase is too low for niche communities such as this one to stay active.

    That being said, I’m happy it’s here regardless, just in case someone ends up needing it, even if it’s a year from now.

  • I’m a very early Gen Z and I feel like a boomer lol

    I do nerd things alone at home or maybe with a friend or two. DnD live shows, people traveling to play/watch e-sports… It’s all so foreign to me. I don’t feel resentment, but shock and disconnection are always present when I read headlines such as these. Like, I wouldn’t dream in a million years to pay money to watch someone else play DnD, but then again, video game streamers exist. I can’t wrap my head around this!

    And just to be clear, I’m not bashing the people enjoying this form of content. I’m just expressing my disbelief at the fact that it exists at all. If I didn’t know better, and saw something like this in a movie, I would call it fake and detached from reality. When in fact, I’m the one detached from my generation. Then again, I don’t have any social media and I’m writing my thoughts on Lemmy, so I’m clearly not an example of what my generation looks like.

  • The reason the echo works with the Sentinel feat is because:

    When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your echo moves at least 5 feet away from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the echo’s space.

    But there is nothing in the Manifest Echo’s feature that says that it can use your other features or feats. So it won’t work with Shield Master or Protection.

    As for the third question, yes: you can create an echo in a space you can see, so you can create it in a space that your echo can see, as well, if you’re using its senses. The feature says nothing about what happens when you create the echo while seeing through its senses, though:

    As an action, you can see through your echo’s eyes and hear through its ears. During this time, you are deafened and blinded. You can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and you can end it at any time (requires no action). While your echo is being used in this way, it can be up to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed.

    I’d rule that you’re allowed to keep using its senses immediately after creating a new one, so you can create an echo within 1,000 feet, but you should talk to your DM about that.

  • Dude, no one here is shocked or angry. There are just normal people calmly discussing ways to bypass yet another attempt from Google to stop AdBlockers. If anything, you’re the guy who spent the entire day yesterday screeching at people in another thread who don’t want to pay for YT Premium, and is still doing the same thing now, in a community dedicated to piracy no less. You just deleted the vast majority of your comments because you were too embarrassed when people called you out for licking the boots of a trillion-dollars corporation and being angry at other people who don’t want to follow your example.

    Go touch some grass, it’s free (just like YouTube!).

  • Due to wars and castles being torn down as to prevent rebellions or just for the materials during ottoman times Baba Vida remains the only fully intact castle in Bulgaria.

    What a shame. This castle is so beautiful. I can’t help but wonder how much history we lost.

    I live in a small town in Italy and apparently we had a castle, but it was torn down two centuries ago and what remains today is just half the remains of one of the towers. Makes me sad every time I walk past it.

  • My undead warlock was a graverobber in the business of stealing and selling ancient artifacts. In an ancient tomb that had already been looted, he unearthed an ancient slab and unknowingly released its curse, and is now possessed by the mummy it previously belonged to.

    They made a deal and, if he helps the mummy retrieve all the missing artifacts from its tomb, including the body itself, he gets to live (and show off his sick powers).

    The first few sessions, his patron was like: Return the slab… and he would refuse out of stubborness, but now they are good pals. Although he secretly plans on stealing his patron’s powers and become the lord of undeath.

  • Same for me. I browsed Reddit exclusively for a bunch of small but active communities about books and niche games or shows. Most of those either don’t have a place on Lemmy, or the place they have is a ghost town. Too little posts, and even fewer engagement. I frequently see posts with upvotes in the single digits and zero comments.

    I don’t plan on going back to Reddit, but at the same time I don’t think that Lemmy is a valid substitute yet. Maybe it’s also a problem of discoverability? Like, I heard of Lemmy during the APIcalypse, but I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere else, and I don’t know how a normal person looking for a community online is supposed to find Lemmy, or even learn the existence of it.