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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Thank you, appreciate you showing specifically what your issue is. I agree the timeline for the battery costs hasn’t worked out exactly because of some anomalies over the last year or two but the trend is sharply down again. So it seems like we are on track to achieve a cost of around $90 by 2025 now rather than 2024 at least according to Goldman Sachs.

    If your issue is with the exact timeline, I say that’s fair enough, but being off by a year with battery costs isn’t too bad I don’t think. Of course as with all forecasting we’ll have to see exactly how it pans out in reality but it’s a pretty big risk if you want to start building a nuclear reactor now, factoring in construction time plus payback period.

  • Has anyone else had the experience of going back to a game you haven’t played in a long time and some lower level part of your brain just remembers all the controls? Like when you try and remember which key does what, you can’t, but then you start playing and your brain just does the thing.

  • EDIT: Reread my reply here after post workout clarity and I was being an asshole. Was probably being an overly combative asshole during the rest of the discussion as well so I take the lions share of blame for this discussion going off the rails, sorry about that. If you have any resources you think would be good for me to take a look at to understand your view better, I’d be happy to read them, but understand if you don’t want to take the effort also. Appreciate you coming here to make the counterpoint to my original comment, always better that than just another echo chamber.

  • You’re making an argument against sex work so assuming you expect others to be convinced by it, I think it’s fair to expect a rational argument. It doesn’t have to be mathematical, but at least rational and honest so I don’t think it’s absurd to point out what I see as a dishonest persuasive technique.

    Given the discussion seems to have devolved now into accusations, I don’t think there’s much more to be gained for either of us. From my perspective, your assertion that sex work is a form of rape is not justified, simply asserted and then you use that as a basis on which to argue. A broader appeal to the nature of work under capitalism is simply a non sequitur. You have to show that the impact is similar if you want to make a valid argument here as to why they should be considered the same. If you have no interest in doing so, that’s completely fair but you can’t expect anyone to be convinced.

    Just because I do not agree with you, does not mean I don’t take what you say seriously or am refusing to engage with it. Your efforts would be better served showing that abolishing sex work would reduce harm, rather than attacking me.

  • Ok thank you. I understand your argument better now I think, at it’s core it is an argument for abolishing the capitalist system of labour, including sex work. I can get behind the idea of introducing a new system of labour, the current one certainly doesn’t seem to be working very well for the vast majority of people. I don’t find it a convincing argument for the abolition of the sex industry though, because I don’t think you’ve demonstrated that this work is more harmful than other work. It seems like a selective application of the ideas you put forward. Like saying tiling roofs is dangerous, therefore we should ban all red rood tiles. Using the word rape feels like an appeal to emotion to me, there are ways we could demonstrate that sex work is objectively harmful that would convince me but I haven’t seen that.

    Thanks for the interesting discussion though.

  • I didn’t mean to misrepresent what you were saying so I’m sorry that I have. When I said you suggested imagining the difference I was referring to the statement you made asking me if I thought sex work was uniquely harmful compared to other work. I interpreted that as you asking me to imagine what harm a sex worker might experience. Are you able to clarify that? It seemed to be the core of your argument from what I could tell.

    The issue I have with your last argument which I articulated is that it does not apply to sex work, but all work. Should we abolish all work given your reasoning or is there a specific reason why sex work should be targeted? Maybe I missed it but I didn’t see it in your argument about work under capitalism amounting to forced labour. If it applies to all work, I don’t see it being a useful argument for the abolition of sex work.

    The trafficking aspect is not an issue with legalisation of sex work. It exists whether sex work is legal or not. To me this is akin to saying people are trafficked for slave labour therefore we should abolish labour. Unless I am missing something, it doesn’t seem follow.