15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • I don’t necessarily think I’m a bad person and I have meet very few people who I think are "bad persons” even if people can act very badly in the moment.

    And for you, I think it’s kinda bad for your mental health going around thinking your a bad person and that you therefore deserve that bad things happen to you. But of course it may very well not be a problem for you so you do you. Being able to realise that your not perfect and maybe even flawed in some sense can also be a good trait for someone to have. Too self confident people can be really annoying

  • From a Swedish standpoint, this is just nonsense. The Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Island and Denmark) are all in the top six most democratic countries in the world (according to The economist, England). These are were much socialist countries and most definitely democratic.

    Then you have china, soviet and alike. Those are countries that call(ed) themself communist. I will argue that that’s however mostly used as a label to legitimate the government and to obscure what they really are, in the same manner north Korea is formaly named the democratic people’s republic of Korea (DPRK). Those countries does/did not operate as communist states the way that Marx and other political theorists imaginend them.

  • Some images for people like me who don’t know anything about planes:

    1. Cessna 182 image
    2. Cessna 207 Caravan. This one is however from the Iraq air force… Cessna 208 Caravan
    3. A319 Image

    I don’t really know if I get why the Cessna 182 and Cessna caravan are two completely different planes but I also don’t know anything about planes. Or maybe I got the images wrong or you flew on a different type of Cessna caravan? But I can anyways agree that the caravan looks like a nice airplane.

    EDIT: after a closer look I see that the caravan and 182 are quite different in size

  • A typical quantum entangled hyperbolic non-linear file system, or QEHNLFS for short. This was first described in Einstein’s fourth relativity theory. I states the following:

    In any QEHNLFS the perceived storage space (used and unused) may vary depending on the reference frame. All reference frames are equally valid and therefore the absolute storage space of the QEHNLFS is not well defined. QEHNLFSs generally appear around a central supermassive black hole, typically located at /dev/null in the QEHNLFS