Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Uhhh, not sure what you’re talking about with contouring makeup. It is literally ubiquitous in modern makeup? And your face isn’t 2 dimensional… it lightens and darkens parts of your skin to emphasize and diminish certain facial features.

    For many trans women emphasizing and diminishing certain facial features is hugely confidence boosting.

    Also, please don’t refer to plastic surgery as “doing a Michael Jackson”. Please respect people’s right to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Read through the sidebar if you haven’t already, this is a safe space for transfeminine people. Many of us opt for facial surgeries to undo effects of testosterone during puberty.

  • Yeah, it’s gonna be that way for a while. My sleep was a mess for the first couple weeks. You will need help during all of this, and I’m glad that you have your mom there to help out. Try and walk for like 10 minutes a day at first, even just around your home. Get your mom to help if you need her. Circulation issues prolong healing and also make sleeping harder. Make sure that your recovery area and your dilating area are calming environments, keep the area tidy as best you can and leave the windows and blinds open to keep light and air coming in. You also need to seperate your day into light time hours and dark time hours, it will help your circadian rhythm keep up with the changes in time and promote better sleep. Practice some destressing/anti anxiety techniques like meditation. Remember to look down from your phone and look at something distant for a couple minutes every so often. Eye fatigue becomes really frustrating when you’re already feeling meh in other ways.

    Also, idk I’d you’ve stopped taking any opioid painkilles yet but be prepared for your stomach to be upset when you do. Wean off as best you can, increasing time between doses, staying very hydrated. Important to try and mitigate any stomach problems.

  • One thing that’s helpful to bear in mind is that it’s actually pretty hard to permanently lose depth after initial healing phase has passed. Like once the tissue has healed depth loss is usually not permanent. I’ve had reduced depth at points where I’ve messed up and not dilated for several days even. I made sure to dilate for longer than normal and more frequently and I’ve regained that lost depth. Do your best but it is inevitable that you’ll miss a dilation here or there over time and it’s okay!

    My dilating schedule for the first 3 months was set by alarms and timers. For the first month, I dilated: when I woke up, before I ate lunch, mid afternoon, and in the evening. After the first month it went to: when I woke up, after lunch, and before bed. After 3 months, though, I stopped using alarms and timers as I went back to work, and my schedule was far less consistent. I just dilated once in the morning, however long before my shift started, and once in the evening/night after my shift ended.

  • For the first month, I dilated 4 times a day. The whole process takes about at least an hour but more often a bit longer. Each step takes time especially with moving around taking longer than normal. Youve got cleaning your dilators, prepping your bed/couch where you will be dilating, actually dilating, cleaning up after, rinsing, douching, then cleaning your dilators again after. All together, dilating was easily 6 hours a day, often 8. On top of that my energy was pretty low, so my daytime hours were around 12 hours early on. You also won’t be able to stand for long periods of time early on, and sitting will also be a pretty infrequent and often uncomfortable thing. I could ideally sit for around an hour a day for the first 2 months. Sometimes a bit longer if I was feeling good, sometimes less. So you spend a lot of time laying down, often the same place you actually do your dilation.

    All those factors together and yeah no dilating was literally my life. It wasn’t until 6 months after that I was down to once a day where it actually became manageable. After a month I was down to 3, which was a bit easier, and after 3 months I went down to 2 times a day. I just got past a year last month, and am in the process of winding down to once a week. But yeah that first 6 months dilating definitely felt like my whole life.

    It’s good that you’re normally very physically active! Definitely helps. Be patient with yourself too though. Your body does need lots of rest fo heal properly. Extra strain can actually have very real consequences. So take things very slow early on.

  • Welcome to your daily life for the next year, by which I mean dilating 🙃 It does definitely hurt at first, but it will get easier over time. I also remember getting the packing taken out. Pretty wild moment lol. The first month/two months are the hardest. Keep your chin up, keep focused on the day to day, and make sure to drink lots of water and eat well. Nutrition and hydration are very important in the earliest stages of recovery. Stick to the routine your surgeon advises you to. And as time goes on you’ll want to keep regularly mobile. By week 3 I started going on daily walks with my partner. Shorter ones at first, longer ones as time went on. Important to keep circulation up. Happy to hear that you’re feeling better ❤️

  • Considering all the other listed countries are classified as developing nations, no yeah it’s one of the worst in the world lol. It’s worth it for you to read up on how the gini coefficient is calculated.

    Also, it is ranked 57th when sorted worst to best. It is sorted at 120th from best to worst. Worse than 119 other nations.

    And no, you’re again misusing the term communism. Communism isn’t a scale it refers specifically to a state in which the means of production are shared collectively amongst the working class. You’ve invented a thing and then are using your own invention to sort terms that have actual meanings not related to your invented scale

    America is also not a mixed economy, what are you on about? What industry is public in the US? Most of the states don’t even have public power services. Essentially, none have public medical services.

    There are many sources online that can explain the distinction for you. Check what you’re reading and from where, as America is incredibly biased against socialism and there are entire corporations dedicated to spreading anti-socialist propaganda.

  • There is no aspect of the US that is in any sense communist. Communism refers very specifically to a style of government which directly owns and controls the means of production across all forms of industry. This style of government is controlled by the proletariat. That is not the case for any industry in the US. The link you provided is propaganda not based on any actual communist beliefs. Communism is not a “command based” anything, it is a philosophy with regards to the distribution of the means of production and how the fruits of the working class’s labor should be shared.

    The US gini coefficient is 39.8 as of 2021. Making it one of the worst countries in the world for income inequality. There are plenty of areas in the southern states especially where entire towns are below the poverty line, some very significantly below it.

  • Youre thinking of laissez-faire capitalism, maybe even libertarian capitalism?

    America is absolutely capitalist in every sense of the term. The entire nation is corporatized and the government has no particularly influential anti-capitalist entities. Both competing parties are capitalist. The social framework by which we raise children is structured to indoctrinate them into the ideologies of neoliberalism and American economic exceptionalism. The propaganda that American society is meritocratic is enforced throughout our entire lives, all with the aim of suppressing the class consciousness of the working class.

    People are responding to you with derision because what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. Capitalism and socialism are not based entirely on hard rules. They’re both economic ideologies and social philosophies packaged into cultural frameworks. America is actively anti socialist. They have a very long history of anti communism and anti workers’ rights. America is the holotype of post-Reagan neoliberal capitalism. It is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of wealth disparity and income inequality. It is one of the least regulated economic powers in history, with it being open knowledge that billionaires rule the country and can essentially do anything they want without facing any kind of material consequences.

  • Love that advice! The first few times I went bra shopping, I had a friend tag along with me, and honestly, I still do sometimes. I can see how with swimsuits, sizing and aesthetics and styles could put a lot of critical emphasis on your body. I think bringing one of my friends along with me would help a lot. :)

    And I can totally see what you mean. It’s kinda nerve wracking considering wearing something where so much skin is visible for the first time. I’m trying to keep the confidence I feel in my everyday clothes going haha but that little voice in my head is worrying about my cellulite and my tummy 🙃 I was thinking high waisted would look very cute on me (I look amazing in high waisted shorts and skirts) and I was determined to wear a 2 piece so haha. Might consider adding a sheer beach cover-up? I’ve seen some pretty cute ones.

    Also, how do you manage your hair at the beach? I have very long hair and have been trying to think how best to manage it when swimming.