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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This is truer than you might expect. Just not as blatant as the meme. Especially in a work context, people will underestimate someone’s abilities, be inpatient with clarifications or simply favour others for tasks.

    It’s unconcious with some people, they don’t even know they’re doing it.

    I am a first language English speaker, but my partner isn’t and it’s really opened my eyes to how much we underestimate the language difficulties immigrants can have.

    Not to say everyone is struggling, but just that I think English speakers do take language skills for granted. And unconsciously are biased towards people based on their preserved language skills.

    Even once you’re fluent, like my partner well and truly is, it’s still hard.

  • Apparently this included on some phones running GrapheneOS according to some other commenters.

    I agree with your sentiment, but think we need to urge our governments to regulate the ever-loving god our of these companies.

    It’s getting more out of hand, and I don’t think we should just resign ourselves.

    Flashing GrapheneOS is not an option for the vast majority of people due to barriers to entry, and potentially essential banking apps not playing nicely.

    I’d rather not move on. Heck 'em.

  • Only somewhat. I think I should be able to figure the ADB terminal out as I’ve used it before (on training wheels following instructions).

    Yeah overall I’m not too worried for me personally since I have it blocked behind a firewall.

    It’s more than google has this installed for many more devices than it should be, and the purpose of it in general.

    Makes my blood boil, with how far corporate overreach has come.

    They should NOT be allowed to enable extrajudicial enforcement like this. The world worked just fine before this. People had property repossessed, just there’s a legal process to take. And a third party (the judicial system) decided whether to allow enforcement, not the creditor themselves.

    Imagine you miss one phone payment (your card expires or something) and then you can’t access you phone, the primary device for most people to manage their digital lives. They’ll just be fucked, and it’ll be the most vulnerable in society who suffer.

    It’s so wrong.

    I think it’s much preferable that some bad apples just don’t pay and the creditor loses some money, than vulnerable people get their lives fucked over because they missed a single payment.

  • I’m of the strong opinion that this ought not to be a thing. Even if you stop paying rent, they can kick you out, but there’s a process they need to follow (in Australia anyway).

    These software locks means they can do whatever they want, even if they’re in the wrong, and then you’re shit out of luck until you can take them to court, if you even have the time to do it…

    It’s so wrong, because of the power imbalance I really think this kind of thing should be railed against at all costs.

    Google should not install this shit by default, and sneakily as well.