The States haven’t been united for a while now.
The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion.
The States haven’t been united for a while now.
The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion.
Glad to hear it.
Since you’re getting down voted, I’ll throw in some support with a plain fact.
Jill Stein has been at the same table as Putin. Repeatedly.
Her attitude in the election was ‘we can deny votes to Kamala Harris’. Not ‘we can deny votes to Donald Trump’.
She’s a Russian agent that causes division and nothing more. If the American Greens want to be taken seriously, kick her out.
The CEO was a fucking hack. Good riddance.
He straight up said ‘movie pirates are worse than drunk drivers’ at one point.
I don’t know about any of you, but I’m pretty sure media pirates haven’t killed people with their negligence.
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
Yeah, this is the theory that I’ve held since seeing a documentary investigating the whole incident. And for the life of me I cannot recall the name.
I find it far easier to believe the CIA would scramble to cover up a colossal fuck-up over any shadowy conspiracy of assassination. Incompetence is more reliable than competence, in a way.
I can think of many many lives that the Nazi Reigime of America have destroyed. And lives are far more important than property.
The cars can burn.
Used to be Star Wars. Then my interest fizzled altogether anyway.
I feel like most sci-fi fandoms are like that. There are good bunches, then loud minorities that are either bigoted, excessive about details they don’t like, or both
I don’t recognise the current American regime as a valid government. Just like I don’t recognise the Israeli occupation force as a valid state.
It’s not remotely binding or even meaningful to anyone but myself of course. But hey, nothing matters these days.
They say “Every child has a right to education.”
And then behave as if it’s “Every child has a responsibility to be educated.”
So yeah, while I absolutely think education in itself is vital, I do get peeved when they immediately lie by changing what they do versus what they say.
By they, I mean outdated education boards of self-absorbed twits who grew up decades earlier and have no real grasp of what today’s generation needs.
Idiocracy runs on the assumption smart people would plan and prepare to save the stupid people down the line. Not rule them in cyberfeudalism. I wouldn’t call it prophetic personally.
Get Out is a spotlight on existing problems. That have existed for a long time, and will likely continue to exist.
He bought the Presidency. Not eve a bribe at this point.
30 in a month, never been in a relationship.
I blame shitty religion for ingrained a very toxic and twisted concept of relationships personally, and a 12 year mental break after my school life collapsed.
Financially, I’m in an okay position now. But, other problems arise that somewhat get in the way of feeling comfortable with myself, like dental. (Gender dysphoria is something I just have to live with).
Frankly, I just don’t know where to even begin at this point.
Of course they hate South Korea.
South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.
Tom Hanks.
I am still mad over the travesty that is the Sully falsification. I’ve heard enough about his ‘bizzare’ Elvis performance, and his unnecessary rambling in the newer Disney Pinnochio to feel certain he should’ve retired years ago.