Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • Honestly, this right here is the main reason I don’t believe any real-world bending would end any way other than Earth Kingdom dominance. Peaceful dominance, hopefully.

    You can’t wipe out their infrastructure as long as someone is alive who knows how it’s done.

    Oh, fire nation bulldozed your house because they felt like it? Well boom. Stomp stomp punch. New identical house made of stone.

    Bridge collapsed to cause chaos? Stomp stomp punch, it’s back.

    Don’t feel safe living out in the open where fire nation scouts could murderhobo you harder than my last D&D group? Stomp stomp punch, now you have a vast mansion underground in which you can simply… Not go above ground until you need to.

    Of course, underground living isn’t simple as “hole in ground, hide all day” but still… There is 0 reason the EK shouldn’t go full Vietnam War tactics.

  • If you do design another one, here’s an interesting technique I saw on a random YouTube video:

    Make an enclosure that fits together so that the walls have a cavity between them you can fill with a combination of plaster of Paris and pvc glue.

    This, combined with separate chambers for tweeters/woofers/subs/etc and a little thought for how the sound exits the enclosure, and you’ve got a top tier miniature sound system for a fraction of the cost. Although it will be a little bulkier, a little heavier, and takes more time to design, if you want to take another step up from what looks to me like a pretty good first one. Honestly given the 3d printed enclosure I expected all kinds of distortions and noise, but you clearly did quite well. So please don’t for a second think I’m trying to say “uhh this way is better” it’s just a different way, and one that could be better or worse for many many reasons.

  • Am I taking crazy pills or are people actually saying this is a good thing?

    Jesus fucking christ you people are so dependent on the system you literally can’t even comprehend the fact that nobody should need to be working when there’s a higher priority like family.

    Make all the “oh but they’re easy to take care of/if the person wants to work/the company is a good one for this” coping excuses you need to feel good about how shitty working lives have become, I guess.

    Don’t bother responding if you’re going to make more excuses why “this is good/okay”, you’re speaking to a wall.

  • The people who blabber incessantly about weed being a gateway drug are the exact REASON that I agree with them, but we VERY much disagree on the specifics.

    Think of it this way:

    Every adult in your life has told you that weed is JUST AS BAD as heroin and cocain and meth. You hear it repeated ad nauseum, ESPECIALLY if you were in DARE.

    Now one day someone you have known for a long time offers you some because “it’s not that bad, trust me you’ll be fine” and they go ahead and take a puff or twelve. Turns out it’s not that bad. They were fine after some initial uncoordinated attempts at doing something.

    So if weed is this interesting, maybe heroin isn’t that bad either?

    Yeah turns out heroin IS that bad, and lumping it in with weed is like tossing the kindergarten bully into a maxsec prison.

    So yeah, it’s only a “gAtEwAy dRuG” because you fucks lied for decades and made false equivalence of things and taught kids they can’t trust you.

  • I never thought I’d say this but “I want other companies to succeed at space travel”

    To be clear, I don’t want any companies in space because they’ll simply ruin space the way they ruined earth. You will never convince me there aren’t executives salivating at the idea of exploiting slaves employees far away from earth and it’s " limiting regulations" so they can do whatever they want including just spacing someone out an airlock if they try to strike.

    But so far it’s been more or less one company who’s been tossing trash all over LEO and larger trash between earth and Mars.

    I’d rather space travel be open and easy for everyone, including some random guy who just wants a quick trip around Saturn. Of course we’re likely centuries away from that, and I don’t think we have centuries left as a whole.