Synth noodling conceptual artist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I’m in my early/mid forties and still feel lost occasionally.

    I think it’s a thing about being an adult. It’s not to be feared but embraced. Besides, it means you are thinking and not just doing.

    The wilderness gives you time to find your own direction.

    Still, it is a little disquieting. You’ll make it through, I promise, but you’ll end up back there too.

  • It is a great step forward, but the barrier to entry is relatively high. You can sign up to substack for free and they take a cut of your profits (that most writers don’t draw enough attention to earn.

    Meanwhile ghost charges $9 a month, billed annually.

    That’s a significant barrier to anyone that can’t afford to see if their writing will be popular and as long as that remains it will struggle to gain traction in the same way.

    And yeah, I know you could host your own too, but again a price point and a technical barrier.

    I like ghost, the interface and the ecology, but the truth is that it isn’t going to attract the sort of vibrant, young community it needs if you have to stump up $108 just to see.

    I think one of the great things about 2000s/early 2010s internet was the proliferation of free to use platforms like livejournal, blogger and WordPress. Sure there was a lot or jank, but I found some of my favourite writers back when they were scratching their name into the internet.