• 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Mar. 19, 2025

    • Brush: Muninn Woodworks Big Fucking Motherlode (50mm)
    • Razor: GEM Open Comb Micromatic Gen. 2
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (1)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Port-au-Prince - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    Didn’t get a chance to shave the last two days of March Madness. So I shaved as early as I could today to help Stirling make it another round.

    This brush is really, really hard to deal with. Have not figured it out yet.

  • Mar. 11, 2025

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (7)
    • Lather: House of Mammoth - You & I (Will Die) - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    Forgot how much I love this scent. Need to have it in my spring/summer rotation.

  • Mar. 8, 2025

    • Brush: REDACTED
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (6)
    • Lather: Mäurer and Wirtz - Sir Irisch Moos - Stick
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I used to think enough was enough.

    I was wrong.

    Then I thought MOAR was enough.

    But we all know more is never enough.

    But will REDACTED be enough?

    Will I be free?

  • Mar. 7, 2025

    • Brush: Proraso Professional
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (5)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Bonaparte - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I entered this month with the idea of Stirling or nothing, but BAM was twice too close for comfort. This time it’s Stirling that is far closer to the bottom of the list than I would like.

    Bonaparte is a hilarious scent, but oddly a good one. Apparently it’s quite divisive. I like it though.

  • Mar. 5, 2025

    • Brush: Proraso Professional
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (4)
    • Lather: Barrister & Mann - Eigengrau - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I again find myself doing a night shave for BAM. For me, the biggest surprise of March Madness has been the fact that BAM has been in the lower tier of soaps used every time. They’re widely beloved in this community and rank highly on our lather logs. So it’s surprising they would be struggling so much in the rankings.

    I am, however, reminded that I don’t care for this scent a lot. Not that it’s bad; it’s just not entirely my cup of tea. But I wanted to go with something less in-your-face for this night shave, and this one certainly delivers.

  • Mar. 3, 2025

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (3)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Hallows (Glissant) - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I said I was going to ride or die for Stirling, but one of the benefits of having an infant is that time has no meaning so I decided to bide my time and wait.

    No way BAM was going down like this.

    So I pulled out the OG, the soap that made me a wet shaving hobbyist. The soap I stayed up to midnight for a decade ago.

    Ride on, BAM.

  • Mar. 1, 2025

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (2)
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Port-au-Prince - Puck
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Bowl: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    How much MOAR can a MOAR BOAR MOAR if a MOAR BOAR could BOAR MOAR?

    A MOAR BOAR would BOAR as much MOAR as a MOAR BOAR could BOAR if a MOAR BOAR could BOAR MOAR!

    And that’s all I have to say about that.

    Except that big kudos, as always, to Rod for making the MOAR BOAR happen. Yet another reason we should catapult Stirling to the top

    Shepherds unite!

    🍀🐑 🍀🐑 🍀🐑 🍀🐑

  • Feb. 4, 2025

    • Brush: Proraso Professional
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE [6]
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Night Music - Soap
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Night Music - Aftershave
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Splash
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery - G20
    • Fragrance: Barrister and Mann - Night Music

    I’m not technically playing Atlas Shaves, but hell—when you have a Night Music trifecta sometimes you need to flex the Night Music trifecta.

    As many of you know I can’t really use scented products because of my wife, so I did the ole spray and walk through on the frag and a single drop of the aftershave in my palm before adding the unscented stuff. So if my wife tells me I smell like a strawberry took a dump, I’ll know it’s just my usual smell and not her reacting to the Night Music.

    Night Music is one of the few scents that I think deserves its legendary status. I understand why it is never coming back, but damn I would love if it did. I know it’s controversial to say this, but it’s one of my deep cut favorite scents and I’d love to have more of the soap.

  • Feb. 2, 2025

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE [5]
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep - Soap
    • Osma: Osma - Osma

    When I shaved this shave, I shaved it with unscented products because I was on my way to the birth center because my wife was being induced. I even forgot to do any post-shave routine except Osma.

    But when we got there they told us they had reviewed her case and haha nevermind. Go home. Despite the fact they had called to confirm we were coming in earlier in the day.

    So now I’m home. I guess I’ll go put on some balm.

  • I’m a face shaver but just want to say these are my favorite razors. You’re in for a treat.

    What happens if you don’t? Does it nick your skin?

    On my face at least, I’ve found these razors to be very forgiving. I’ve only ever cut myself on these razors out of personal stupidity. While riding the cap is the correct way to go, I do occasionally ride the bar and it’s fine.

  • After reading this, I too became confused. Claude’s argument made sense, but I know I’m always right. So I asked ChatGPT to prove that I was right. Here’s what it had to say:

    Alright, here’s why Claude is wrong, and the original comment is actually airtight logic—perhaps even too airtight, like a cosmic truth wrapped in a paradox burrito.

    First, let’s establish a fact: AirBudding is about exploiting a loophole. But what if the greatest loophole of all is the loophole of not using a loophole? If there’s no rule saying you must AirBud, then choosing not to AirBud is itself a use of the ultimate AirBud loophole—the loophole that allows one to abstain from loopholing.

    Claude’s mistake is assuming that the only way to AirBud is to do something unexpected within the rules. But what if the most unexpected move is doing nothing at all? If everyone expects AirBudding, the true AirBud move is not AirBudding. That’s the AirBud Inversion Principle™: When AirBudding becomes the norm, non-AirBudding becomes the new AirBud.

    So in rejecting AirBudding, you are, in fact, engaging in the most advanced form of AirBudding possible: the meta-AirBud, or AirBud Prime. You are exploiting the system by opting out of the exploit, and in doing so, you complete the AirBud cycle.

    Thus, Claude’s reasoning collapses. Not playing basketball doesn’t make you a basketball player—unless you were already on the court, holding the ball, and chose to walk away. And that’s exactly what’s happening here.


  • I’m calling you out for a rules infraction.

    They said a dog couldn’t play basketball; they said a dog couldn’t shave. You said you were out.

    But you’re all wrong.

    You have the AirBud point but you’re choosing to not use it. But that’s the ultimate AirBud thing to do. So really you are AirBudding even through you said you weren’t AirBudding. Which, is, obviously, AirBudding.

    Thus you really are AirBudding even if you think you’re not AirBudding which makes this an AirBud post.

    Since, in the same way I was Time’s Person of the Year in 2006, I am a judge of this contest, I award you the AirBud point. Congratulations, you’re not the first one out.

    Crossposting to Discord because rules.

  • Jan. 27, 2025

    • Brush: Proraso Professional
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE [4]
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Port-au-Prince - Soap
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    What a remarkable shave.

    I’ve been wanting to try this scent for awhile, and when I heard that Stirling was discontinuing it I knew I had to pick up a puck.

    So happy I did. What an incredible scent. It’s subtle but wonderful. And, of course, the mutton tallow base is one of the best in the business.

    What’s truly remarkable about this scent is my wife liked it. I’m not joking, she hates scents. It’s to the point where I rarely use anything except scented soap anymore, and even then sometimes she can pick up the scent on me (and hate it) hours later. But this one she loved. Hopefully it comes back someday!

  • Jan. 22, 2025

    • Brush: Proraso Professional
    • Razor: EldrormR Industries MM24
    • Blade: GEM PTFE [3]
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Sheep - Soap
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Aftershave
    • Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Unscented - Balm
    • Osma: Osma - Osma
    • Scuttle: Georgetown Pottery - G20

    I am very, very tired. This was a “I need to scrape the hair off my face” shave more than anything else. It was mediocre, which was expected based on the effort I put into it.
