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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • It’s the blood pumping through your arteries. I used to get this even in my teens after very long walks. You’re literally just feeling your own pulse as your heart works a bit harder to meet your body’s elevated demand for blood/oxygen.

    I’m not sure why it seems to be more apparent after milder activity, but maybe something like walking doesn’t dialate your blood vessels so much so there’s a bit more pressure at certain points?

    If you want to confirm its your blood vessels and not muscles, check your pulse as it’s happening and see if its the same rythmn.

    As far as I know it’s normal, since I was in peak physical condition at that age (a lot of athletics, running etc.) but if it seems unusual for you personally I guess bring it up to a doctor.

  • I’d imagine it’s connected to both. Russia and China are the main antagonists to US hegemony, hoping they’ll get to be the next empire if they can drive enough of a wedge between western allies and get enough debt colonialism going in SA and Africa.

    So yeah, they are fostering crisis, authoritarian sentiment, and spinning anti-democratic narrative wherever they can, but Israel’s genocide and complete disregard for things like the ICC/ICJ (the kinds of institutions upon which the post-war rules based order is supposed to rest) has only further degraded US international standing. Biden vetoing UN resolutions and chastising the international courts for investigating Israel does not help.

    Biden’s whole election schtick was that he was there to reassure the rest of the world after Trump’s carastrophic administration, and now he’s showing his ass anyway.

  • You do understand Haiti is being run by gangs at the moment, right? Close to a hundred thousand people have fled the capital city, this isn’t some righteous revolution or something, it’s a bunch of small time fascists taking advantage of a weak state and an unwillingness by the US to get involved try to seize power.

    The UN and US are providing funding to help Kenya provide some kind of security. Whats your alternative? Let Haiti burn?

  • I guess how I feel about this depends on what they consider influencers and content creators.

    Something like the Majority Report is just a youtube channel, but they do a better job of reporting news than a lot of actual traditional media outlets and I’d be interested for them to actually have someone there with access.

    Honestly, I do have most major news outlets blocked whetever I can, whether it be Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc. I just can’t be bothered to wade through all the corporate spin to get to any of the actual substance that might appear. So it’s a smart move probably by the administration to embrace social media even if it exposes them to a less controlled media environment.

    They’re in desperate need of turn out since they’ve alienated huge swaths of their voting base. It won’t fix their main problems (Israel support) but might scrape in a few more votes.

  • AI has a bad name because it is being pursued incredibly recklessly and any and all criticism is being waved away by its cult-like supporters.

    Fascists taking up yse of AI is one of the biggest threats it presents and people are even trying to shrugg that off. It’s insanity the way people simply will not acknowledge the massive putfalls that AI represents.

  • Yup, American manufacturers are still treating EVs as if they’re this exotic new toy for upper-middle class people or silicon valley douche bros, rather than getting onboard with the concept if them just being a utilitarian thing that needs to be marketed to normal people.

    Give me the EV equivalent of the Geo Metro and I’ll buy it in a heart beat. I’m not taking out a second mortgage for a car that tries to drive itself and whatever dumb gimmicks they come up with, but I will 100% buy an affordable, practical EV designed with efficiency and economy in mind.

  • Totalitarianism is always when the other guy does it

    No…totalitarianism is an actual distinct system of governance when the state controls every aspect of daily life, communication and economic activity. It’s an actual word with meaning.

    It’s got an anti-war infestation that’s regularly accused of being tankies for failing to clap for the correct set of tanks.

    Ok, I’m not sure if we’re talking through a translator app or something, but I didn’t get banned from lemmy.ml for being “pro-war” I got banned for mentioning a historical fact about the Great Leap Forward and acknowledging other atrocities like the genocide occurring in Xinjiang.

    If someone is anti-war they would be against those types of things as well. Tankies instead deny that those events occurred/are occurring, that’s why they’re so easy to spot and how people know they’re on Lemmy – they literally can’t condemn the CCP for any of the things they purport to be against when it comes to other countries, since it’s counter-productive to their true goals to criticize the CCP.

    By contrast an honestly anti-war progressive type of person would be just as clear-eyed about their own government as they are the CCP. That’s being anti-war, you can’t be selective or try to ignore degrees of difference just because it’s politically uncomfortable, that’s just being a mouth-piece for a specific flavor of authoritarianism.

    Calmly explaining this to my US Postal Service and my Tennessee Valley Authority

    Again, running public services is not the same as the state owning and controlling all businness and industry. If the Post Office was used to control speech, that would be totalitarian use of a public service.

    I think you’re just being obtuse at this point. You might be down for totalitarianism and the abolishment of individual freedoms, most people are not. Since, you know, having no rights kind of suck ass.

  • I know some Irish Republicans, Spanish Catalonians, German anti-Zionist political prisoners, and … waves hand at Poland, Hungary, and Russia

    Quite a few native Europeans who would tell you differently.

    Europe has some authoritarian governments, not totalitarian dictatorships that approach anywhere near the all-encompassing control of the CCP. Hungary maybe I guess, which isn’t a country I’d recommend taking tech from either.

    Ireland is not comparable to China though, that’s an extreme reach. We’re not talking about right-wing groups seeking power within democracies, we’re talking about uni-party state control.

    I don’t think the folks on Lemmy are at any risk of that.

    Lemmy definitely has a tankie infestation already. I got banned from lemmy.ml for discussing Tiananmen and Hong Kong. Pointing out that the Great Leap Forward resulted in millions of deaths was labeled “cia misinformation” by the mods. It’s a throughly compromised instance.

    Lemmy users are not immune to tankie and Rusdian trolls, and thinking that they are is actually a weakness that gets exploited by those bad actors.

    Imagine thinking government should dictate the terms of business and not the other way around.

    Normal regulatory duties of a government are a far cry from the state having total ownership and control of business and using that control as part of a coercive campaign to suppress human rights, dissent and individual freedoms.

    Whatever authoritarianism is festering in other countries, China is still on an entirely different level, it’s not really a question.