Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’d love to see more adoption of… I2C!

    Bazillions of motherboards and SBCs support I2C and many have the ability to use it via GPIO pins or even have connectors just for I2C devices (e.g. QWIIC). Yet there’s very little in the way of things you can buy and plug in. It feels like such a waste!

    There’s all sorts of neat and useful things we could plug in and make use of if only there were software to use it. For example, cheap color sensors, nifty gesture sensors, time-of-flight sensors, light sensors, and more.

    There’s lmsensors which knows I2C and can magically understand zillions of temperature sensors and PWM things (e.g. fan control). We need something like that for all those cool devices and chips that speak I2C.

  • To be fair, you are always on the cusp of being fired/laid off. Even if you’re the backbone of the company, the best employee, etc.

    Also remember that expectations of young people in a lot of businesses are very low. That’s why they pay the young so poorly 🤷.

    If you seem to be getting work done and your boss isn’t bitching then you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. Don’t worry about it.

    Also, when you’re young change jobs every year or two! It’s the best way to make considerably more money over time and no, it will not hurt your resume in the slightest. It merely shows initiative and the fact that everyone wants you (i.e. you’re competent).

  • This is caused by your root controller’s limited bandwidth and it’s inability to handle that many 3.0 devices at the same time. Some of the newer motherboards with USB C PD have controllers in them that can do a lot more.

    It’s basically a hack on part of the company that made the root controller IC. They know they only have enough internal bandwidth to support 16 USB 3.0 devices so they intentionally bork things when you plug in more than that since their Transaction Translator (TT) can’t handle more and they were too lazy to bother implementing the ability to share 2.0 and 3.0 properly.

    I’m guessing the decision went something like this…

    “We have enough bandwidth for 16 3.0 devices… What do we do if someone plugs in more than that?” “Only a few people will ever have that many! We don’t have the budget to handle every tiny little use case! Just ship it.”

    So it’s not Linux fault in this case. Or at least, if it is (a problem with the driver) it’s because of some proprietary bullshit that the driver requires to function properly 🤷

  • Redo the caulk at the edge of the glass frame. I’m 75% certain that’s where your problem lies… Had something similar 👍

    Basically what’s happening is that water is getting out somewhere under that glass frame, going through the grout on the other side, then flowing out the side. The water could be entering all the way at the opposite end of where you see it coming out.

    In fact, I’d re-caulk everything that has caulk. Don’t re-do the grout; that won’t fix anything. If re-caulking doesn’t fix it then you really do need to take the whole shower out and redo it (I know, “fuuuuuuck”). Been in that situation before too 😞