Erdogan is afraid of competition, or how we call it in Europe: democracy
Social democrats of Europe: «why won’t voters vote for us??»
Because you’re either corrupt or you do the exact same shit as conservatives would do. Or both!
Tenker i beste fall her at dette er ekstremt tonedøvt, ellers er det intet nytt fra Høyre
Here are some I really enjoy, which I also use to fall asleep to.
I really never did, not a well functioning at least. They’ve practiced voter repression for decades, and then they had fun testing how low they could go after 9/11, doing a lot of unlawful shit, going after citizens who spoke out against their policies and wars.
The Norwegian government will offer eggs, and we will only ask for the state of New York or as we like to call it: Nye Jorvik. The citizens of Nye Jorvik will enjoy all the benefits from a stabile, functioning social democracy.
I’m a dad of two, and in my country (Norway) it’s mostly common to divide the leave. With my first, I had 9 months of paternity leave, 6 months with my youngest. The two best periods of my life!
allereie bytta til proton, og happy med det
Einig, samstundes greit å nytte høvet til å reflektere litt, Sjølv om me kjem fram til same stad
I agree it would be nice, but still the trade off would be disadvantageous for us for now. Even with the current geopolitical situation IMO, we cooperate with EU on a deep level and still have NATO.
What would be really cool, was if the kid didn’t belong to a Tibetan buddhist family. It was just some random kid in rural Alabama. Think about it: “We have found the 15th Dalai Lama! It’s a boy called Billybob Jackson”
I don’t envy a kid who suddently gets chosen to be the head of a religion.
Tusen takk