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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWhy don’t you like Apple?
    15 days ago

    Wife spilled some beer in the keyboard. Screen doesn’t turn on, it doesn’t hold a charge, keyboard doesn’t work. But we need sensitive data off the drive.

    Take it to their “genius” bar where we are told there is nothing that can be done for the old data and we should just buy a new one.

    I take it home, Google a bit and try target disk mode. Et Voila I’m in and can get that data from the hard drive as though it was an external HDD.

    Why the Apple “genius” didn’t share this option with me? They don’t actually care about helping.

    And that’s the rub with Apple. They don’t give a fuck about their users or developers. Just want to herd them around to make more money off their overpriced garbage.

  • I’m with you on the stoner thing. I have tendency to abuse substances, though thankfully haven’t developed alcoholic tendencies (seeing my best friend become an alcohol was enough for me to seriously try not to abuse it in the first place).

    The weed helps give me that change in sobriety that I really enjoy w/o nearly the same damage to my mental health and body. That said I’ve definitely abused it, so I had to still set some basic parameters on myself, cuz making weed my whole personality would have had a negative social impact even if my body was cool with it.