Also, thanks for making the questions thread weekly! Otherwise I might have missed this entirely since I’m not on the community every day anymore. :)
Hah, thanks, yeah, I’m still around. Just busy enough that I haven’t written up the next reports. The daily SOTD threads help because not everyone puts a date in their SOTD posts. A lot of them are backdated after the fact; people may go a week or so without posting then post a bunch all at once. Daily threads mean that’s organized in such a way that I can count someone as an every day shaver even if they didn’t actually post every day, on that day.
Probably not any dumber; maybe just less experienced! :)
Configuring these bots can also get pretty complicated!
While it added to the time spent, that was the most fun part of this.
But it didn’t help that I started writing my own client from scratch, then reverted that in favor of a third party library… then decided I wasn’t happy with it after all, and dropped that in favor of rewriting my own client from scratch all over again. :)
Haha, I’m laughing listening to your comment: I had thought about preparing for the Games this year instead of flying by the seat of my pants, but you’re probably right it’s a little late to start at this point. :)
I think I may have forgotten the “newbie friendly” part, thank you!
Decent razors, or decent blades? If you’re using a DE razor, I’d recommend picking up a sample pack with several or a dozen different types. I’ve found the same blade will give a better or worse shave in different razors, so there’s some utility to trying several different brands, if you’ve got the basics of how to handle a DE razor. I’ve been going through sample packs for three or four years now.
And if you’re using canned foam, it’s also possible just switching to a better cream or soap might do well. It may not be as fast or convenient, but I think some creams like Speick or Cella might do better, and be nearly as fast to lather up with a wet brush as spreading it with your fingers. Just a thought, if you’re looking for a better shave. And I suspect a good soap would be even better.
Woohoo! Thanks all for bringing the podcast back. I’m looking forward to listening to it!
You’re welcome!
Thank you!