Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • yes! YES!

    I have serious issues with fragrances. Artificial fragrances in particular (i.e. most ones) but even essential oils get to me after a while. When I’m around cologne, air freshener, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner fumes, I can taste it for quite a while. It’s completely vile. Extended exposure makes my eyes red, my lips swell a bit, and just a little makes me start oddly salivating. I guess it’s some sort of allergy, maybe MCAS, but this sort of thing is very difficult to get diagnosed. Some doctors have acted like I have some sort of uh… misphonia but for smells, but no, I can detect scents quite accurately. One reason I may be sensitive is I’m not completely swamped in 10 different fragrances 24/7 like most people.

    The only thing that really works is to wash my nose out with water. Not super sanitary, but it’s better than salivating and tasting perfume for an hour. I have found that taking antihistamines reduces my sensitivity… I can still detect the fragrances, but get less of a reaction. That’s a clue. Oh, and also I have 3 different autoimmune disorders… I’ve asked around and the only people I’ve gotten a “yes, that happens to me too” response from are people with MS.

  • Musk has been trying to make grand announcements and grab headlines lately. Seems probable this is to distract from recent bad sales news about Tesla, as in the past when he’s pulled lame stunts like “fight mark zuckerberg” right after negative news, knocking it out on f the public attention.

    Anyhow, this can’t be the “robotaxi” feature he was promising years ago for all teslas because it’s not legal in most places. There have already been automatic taxi services in a few cities in the SW US, but they’re restricted to specific routes, and there have been problems. Was is expanding to do UberEats deliveries in Arizona, but Cruise had to pull all of their cars of the roads not long ago.

    Anyway, I find it unlikely anything very revolutionary is coming from Tesla in this regard. If they do have a full autonomous system, they owe it to Tesla owners who have spent well over 10 grand a piece for a system that doesn’t hold up to what Elron promised years ago.

  • It’s fairly easy to infer that Fox would not give a sympathetic or neutral interview to someone with views that the hosts fundamentally disagree with. The mod was unprepared, had poor lighting - which surely Fox could have asked them to fix before the show - started rocking back and forth, but they also have a lot of subtle ways of manipulating the audience. If you watch their other shows, the hosts use facial expressions and negative tones of voice to express what they want viewers to feel about the topic - look like they’re having an orgasm when they mention Trump, scowl and use a derisive tone for Democratic politicians. Some of that was going on with Waters’ smug smirk, but I think he detected quickly that the mod was an easy target and he didn’t have to do much for the intended effect. For some reason the interview drifted to the interviewee’s personal life vs. antiwork, too, and that’s intentional imo.

  • Swallowing requires coordination of a lot of different muscles. Do you mean that you can’t get the swallowing process to start or that you swallow and food doesn’t go down all the way?

    I had a lot of problems with the latter when I was sick with undiagnosed celiac and later developing type 1 diabetes. I’d swallow fine, but it would feel like the food was stuck in my sternum and it was very miserable. They couldn’t find anything physically wrong with my esophagus at the time. My interpretation was the esophagus was inflamed from acid reflux and thus narrowed.

  • I recall you saying part of the problem you have is hypersensitivity to the scents of various foods. If you can tolerate V8, I’d assume you can consume vegetables in liquid form in general? You could consider getting a juicer and making some different blends. Personally, when I was starving, I tried surviving on protein powders and very soft foods but that wasn’t working. Eventually I made chicken broth, chicken and blended it up sometimes with potatoes, corn or rice, and it doesn’t sound appetizing but actually worked great and saved me from starvation. I found some neutral tasting protein powders that were good with juice or broth too… pea and hemp worked for me.

  • Glad you’re alright! I’m lucky to have driven for years and never done harmed anyone in a collision. If the person’s insurance goes up, well, there’s a reason they do that.

    I was lightly struck by a guy at a crosswalk in a busy commercial district… walking on the sidewalk, saw this car apparently coming to a stop and walked out into the crosswalk, but he went a little far. He barely tapped me and I sort of fell o to his hood. It was this old black dude. Not much to say so I just waved and kept going.