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  • DaveWave94
    8 months ago

    SOTD 30.01.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Wilkinson Eco disposable
    • Blade: disposable
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. 30 mm Tuxedo Fan w/ black & clear handle
    • Lather: Declaration Grooming - Unscented soap
    • Post Shave: Thayer’s Original toner; Natura Siberica ASB

    Hungover head shave. Normally I wouldn’t shave in such a state, but I need to look presentable tomorrow. Took the easy approach and used a disposable razor for just one pass.

    The surprise farewell party for my friend yesterday was a blast. What a great evening… Unfortunately, I had a bit too much alcohol. Slept at another friend’s place on a pretty uncomfortable bed. So it was a day of sitting in nursing school with sunglasses today. And pretty terrible neck pain. But that’s worth it for the best colleague we ever had! I’m still a bit overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, but overall it was a huge success.

    In other news, I trimmed off my moustache today. I made it the same length as the stubble I usually wear, so I sport a very short stubble beard now. Kinda want to look younger, but I guess I’ll grow everything a bit longer to contrast my bald dome… It feels pretty unusual to look in a mirror now. Then again, that was also the feeling I had when I first shaved my receding hair off. I’ll see what others will say about this new look and how I feel and go from there.