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  • PorkButtsNTaters666
    2 months ago

    Saturday, July 20, 2024: Saturday Not-Freeze

    It’s still very hot here, and I remembered vaguely that I maybe still had a sample with Menthol – and I did! Hovever, it must have been at least two years since I last used it, and in my memory, the soap was white at that time. Now, it is slightly brownish. It has lost most of its scent (which is not a problem), and it also completely lost the cooling agent. I found it extremely strong the last time I used it. Anyways, I should be more conscientious using up my samples.

    The Barbarossa is really a straight like none else. Not my preferred one, but certainly the most unique.

    Have a good night!

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    • DaveWave94
      2 months ago

      Nice to see Meißner Tremonia used here! Mint Ice Menthol is probably the same as the shaving cream they made for Jean & Len here, pretty much smells like a sports cream for sore muscles. I think they also had one called GentleMenthol that was a bit more toned down (in reference to the wordplay).