Today a small mail call from the Czech Republic arrived at my place: a RazoRock Cyber Medium safety razor and a huge behemoth shaving brush (34 mm knot diameter!) in Ferrari red.

The all-aluminum razor looks very futuristic to me, in a Cyberpunk style even - I guess it’s supposed to be a RR spin on the Henson, just for a way more affordable price. The top cap has way more sharp angles than the Henson though; very curious how this one will shave. My current guess is that it’ll wear down DE blades faster due to the amount of tension it’ll put on them. I picked the medium version in case I ever want to use it on my face/neck too.

The brush is now officially the biggest and tallest one I own - realistically, the only use case for it is head and body shaving, as this covers a whole lot of real estate. My intention is a traditional head shave in under 5 minutes and I think it’ll serve well for this cause. Given that my other RR Rubberset handle brush is one of my most used ones, the handling should be great but we’ll see. Only recommend this to head and body shavers with large hands though, so I guess no one else on this instance is interested. Having such a “freak” brush in the collection is cool though.

  • DaveWave94OP
    19 days ago

    Ha! I get it, but I think it’s like bringing an HK MP7 to a pistol duel - it still qualifies, but it’s just overkill. 😅 It is comparable in size to the soft brushes that barbers and hairdressers use to remove cut hair from the clients neck area. It’s literally towering over all my other brushes 🤯