Atlas Shaves Theme:

Sandalwood Ten by Soap Smooth

Notes: Sandalwood, Vanilla, Amyris, Musk, Rosewood, Petitgrain, Cedar, Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot

  • PorkButtsNTaters666
    1 month ago

    Nonidi 29 Pluviôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Chélidoine

    Another republican day, another plant I knew nothing about. It’s this one, if you are interested. If you’re not interested, it it still this one.

    In shave-related news, I got back my kamisori from Boris de Rivière on Saturday, sharpened it yesterday, and tried it out today in the morning. I didn’t pay enough attention when honing (I thought the issue was that I didn’t get close enough on the toe on the other side; doh!), but the toe slightly points into one direction, and can leave a trace in the strop. Also, I feel it on one side when shaving, so I guess the razor will have to go back on the stones before I use it again. I didn’t measure it before I sent it away, but I assume there has been quite considerable shortening going on.

    Have a good day!

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