Post your shave of the day for Sunday!

  • HomeAwayFromHone
    1 year ago
    • Razor: Bodin 7/8 (1)
    • Lather: B&M Fern
    • Brush: Muhle 23mm Synth
    • Post shave: Aloe

    Sunday’s shave (ok I put this off a sec) was a nice old French razor. Heavier, nearly a near wedge. I hadn’t been quite happy with the edge so I touched it up …still not there yet alas. Seems it takes me forever to get a wedge-ish thing where I like it if I don’t do a microbevel. This one had thin-ish bevels with a bit more forgiving grind so I thought I might have better luck but it’s not looking like it. I even took it down to a coticule with some slurry rather than just a light touch up on a JNAT w/tomo. Will probably end up redoing it from bevel set, only way to make sure. Orrrr… ya, microbevel.

    Probably wasn’t the best idea to continue my before-shower experiment with this one as the poor edge needed all the help it could get. Still wound up sticking through the shave without major trauma. And I think I’m getting the idea: shower softens whiskers but skin too so sans shower my skin seems to put up with a bit more abuse.