Post your shave of the day for Monday!

  • Cowzilla3
    1 year ago

    June 12, 2023 – Like Stepping Into Humphry Bogart’s Office

    • Brush: MRed 26 mm Badger
    • Razor: Focus Tritok R63 Slant
    • Blade: Personna Platinum Chrome (3)
    • Preshave: Baxter Shave Tonic
    • Post Shave: Old Spice – Indian

    Easily the best shave yet with the Focus and it really all comes down to getting the technique down, which should be obvious by this point in my westshaving adventures but I’m always inpatient with a new razor. The secret to using this slant is to, get this, slant it. Once I learned the right angle it sailed, though I still struggled keeping that angle on my second, XTG pass. An absolutely stellar shave in the end, though.

    I finally fixed this MRed brush over the weekend, the first brush I’ve ever set myself. the head fell out on its own accord so really I was just gluing it back in but I think I set it a bit deeper somehow and now it feels soooo much better. Before it had too much splay and the bulb head felt kind of awkward. Now, it’s got the prefect amount of stiff and scritch. Maybe it’s just psychological or maybe I am actually the greatest brush setter of all time. I set a boar brush in a new handle this weekend as well so we’ll have to wait and see.

    Finally, Guy Noir. This isn’t my first time with Chiseled Face’s base but it is my first time with Guy Noir and it is stellar. Weirdly, off the (sample) puck I got coconut and wondered what that had to do with any gumshoe, even the comical Guy Noir. But the moment you lather it the tobocca comes out and the scent is just pitch perfect. This isn’t, to me, the scent that a noir gumshoe would wear it’s the scent of a noir gumshoe. If you walked into Bogart’s venisian-blind-shadowed office and he ran those doeful eyes over your gams this is exactly what it would smell like. It’s really quite stunning.

    • waldenMA
      1 year ago

      I need more Chiseled Face in my life. I’ve killed a tub of Loyal in the Silk base, and have a tub of GTB in the OG base. I like both bases a lot, and his scents do it for me.