This Moar Boar of a sub member was loosing a lot of bristles. They were done with it and let me have it.

I was surprised how hard it is to cut off all the bristles of a boar knot!

It was so hard that I was convinced I was cutting into the glue bump and had finally figured out its shape:

But the actual glue came a few mm deeper.

I was worried at first that the tiny hand mill wouldn’t be up to the task and that I’d need to find a 32 mm Forstner bit and figure out a way to grip the handle strong enough to withstand the torque of the Forstner bit on a drill press without ruining it, but as it turns out, it was quite easy and quick to get the hole deep enough:

I’ve set the handle with a 30 mm Maggard Silvertip knot, and I’m looking forward to trying the most exclusive of all subbrooshes, the Moar Badger soon.

  • 35048467
    3 months ago

    Glad to see you were able to make my POS MOAR BOAR into something usable.

    • djundjilaOPMA
      3 months ago

      Totally! It’s a big plush pillow of a brush. Very pleasant to use and lathers like a champ!