Biden wasn’t able to fire a simple postmaster, but somehow Trump found out he had the power to fire the board at the Kennedy center?
Biden obeys law and honored his oath so it’s apples to oranges.
The Supreme Court literally told him that it was impossible for the President to break the law while he was in office
But then they made lawfulness a subject for Supreme Court review, so only Republicans can be absolute despots. And Biden is a risk-averse institutionalist who would never consider extreme measures (like sending all the corrupt Supreme Court justices to Gitmo).
of course not. hes not going to be a precedent so later they say see its fine because biden did it. Man people love these damned if they do, damed if they don’t situations to call out the eternal badguy. I want to know if he still beats his wife?
wow I’m so glad he didn’t set a precedent; that must be why the fascist that came after him so strictly goes by the book now.
I’d like to have what you’re having.
You can’t beat authoritarianism by becoming authoritarian.
Sometimes it is necessary for the long term good of humanity. Saying ‘we can’t use authoritarianism to beat authoritarians’ is the logic that got the nazis in power in Germany. The nazis should have been crushed early on, but instead liberals just kept appeasing them.
Historically authoritarians tend not to return control to democratic processes. That is to say, you become the threat you’re trying to avoid.
In Germany, it was conservatives who kept appeasing them. Hindenburg was no liberal.
crushing fascism is not authoritarian.
Crushing fascism is authoritarian if you need to become authoritarian to do it.
what im saying is if he did he would be getting so much shit for having done so and very likely by the same types bitching about him not. its a classic damned if you do damned if you don’t. he would then be responsible for every use of it after him by certain types.
that only matters if you care about your dumbass legacy more than the future of the country, which he certainly did, which is why he sought reelection in the first place.
unless he did it in case alls that matters is caring about the rule of law and the future of the country rather than his dumbass legacy. cause then doing it was about his legacy but now not doing it was about his legacy. either way did it all for him or his kind and did the wrong thing.
You would thing this guy hates colorful people or something. I swear there was some other guy that made a major push to pin all his country’s issues on some minority group while he consolidated power over media, arts, and what not.
How do you suppose they redesign the flag, just replace all the stars with little swastikas or what?
At this point the US is beyond little swastikas, just put the old Nazi flag on top of the stars and change the red bars to be black
In see Old Glory as the new Nazi symbol. I automatically assume things that are usually right when I see an American flag being displayed.
I’m not sure what he’d probably do, maybe add a map of US plus Canada’s territory and print AMERICA so even dummies would get rhetorics behind it. But what I’m sure about - he’d sell these flags like hotdogs on every street corner, and also add a law that this particular flag can’t be messed with and should be shown instead of the real one.
If someone like Putin did this, republicans would call it dictatorial over reach, since Trump did it, it is patriotic.
nah the republicans are all pretty on board with what the sickly potato shaped dickhead who sits atop a throne of skulls in moscow does
They like Putin and his dictatorship, so I doubt it.
Someone like putin is doing this.
republicans have been supporting the ukraine invasion since day 1, so i doubt it.
he doesn’t give one shit about the kennedy center. he’s the first and only president/first lady to completely avoid its kennedy center honors and gala… for four straight years (all of episode 1).
he only sees a grift in there somewhere… or some fake award or other bullshit.
or maybe he doesn’t like the “a spectrum of many skills within the performing arts”, which is represented by… yup, you guessed it. a rainbow of colors including exterior lighting.
or maybe it’s the non-white artists-in-residence.
or maybe it’s the ‘festivals’ that feature and celebrate art and culture from around the world.
or maybe it’s just him. fucking asswipe.
Maybe he just dislikes the name, Kennedy, being a part of a toponym there in DC. Kennedy family was\is very influential and the assasination of JFK is one of the most known historical events about the US, and RFK still rolls on it. He probably wants that for himself, and to control what as the wiki-page implies is an american culture. Or maybe he is taking it to mess with RFK in some way? I don’t know.
I think he’s just trying to dictate arts and culture now.
Looking forward to future Kennedy Center honorees Kanye West, Carrie Underwood and, what the hell, Simon Cowell.
No wait, I’ve got a better one!
The Kennedy Center presents: a tribute to Bill Cosby!
Live streaming only on X! Subscribe today!
Were just gonna leave out the loving memorial to OJ?
You missed the most obvious one. The Kennedy Center will soon honor Donald J. Trump.
People go on stage to do a bunch of tributes to the honoree when those happen and I don’t even want to know what those would be in that case.
If you know Richard Pryor’s work and have not seen Morgan Freeman doing Mudbone at Pryor’s Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize, it’s awesome.
So the self-appointed arbiter of American culture stumbles into another vanity project, replacing seasoned trustees with his golden-framed portrait. Drag shows for youth suddenly eclipse actual issues—because nothing unites a crumbling democracy like pearl-clutching over sequins and lip-syncing. The Kennedy Center’s new “vision” boils down to erasing anything that doesn’t smell like 1950s nostalgia and rebranding nepotism as patriotism.
Artistic merit now hinges on loyalty oaths. Meanwhile, actual policy disasters get a standing ovation. But sure, let’s pretend this isn’t a textbook narcissist playbook—appointing oneself chairman of anything is just dictator-lite cosplay. The “Golden Age” he’s selling? More like gilded decay.
More like gold-colored spray-painted feces
Can’t wait for the Dinesh D’Souza produced, Clint Eastwood directed remake of Triumph of the Will —-“Triumph of the Steal.”
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He wants to give himself awards, like any other tinpot dictator.
So, Reichskulturkammer?
Get fucked Cheeto in Chief.
Wants to be sure there is no degenerate art.
The first award will go to Musk
Well, he is a primadonna. Maybe he just wants to fulfill a lifelong dream to dance on stage dressed in a tutu…