I’ve been on medicaid for the past 10 years. This year my renewal was denied for “too much income”. I asked what the cutoff was. I was told $803 per month income.
My 1 bedroom apartment that may as well be called a studio is $795 per month, and will be going up by at least $70 in July.
In 2023 I was diagnosed with cancer. Which I beat. But now you’re telling me
“Oh well, you’re on your own now. Your last 3 month period cost over 1 million dollars. You WERE on medicaid, so you’re covered. But that runs out in 3 days. Good luck asshole!”
I am so sorry you are having to go through all this and end with this as your cherry on top. Ugh.
Drives me mad how we have not thrown down greedy medical practices in favor of universal healthcare yet 🙄 but I guess that’s too close to the socialist sun 😒
That’s insane, that’s less than what a full time minimum wage job would pay in a month. Heck, that’s significantly less than what I am paid in ssdi every month
Yeah. Back in december I thought “I’m barely making my head above water…” and decided to take a second job. Which, I hate the job itself, but the people are pretty good people. I’m used to new workplaces where you’re new to be filled with just the worst people. I’m used to toxic chaos. And if that had been the case, I’d have quit by now. But, it’s an extra $100ish dollars a week after taxes. It adds up.
So when I saw I was above income level, I was like “Whooooa, maybe I should just quit my second job if it means keeping my medicaide”.
Then I heard how low the threshold was, and I said “Well, actually…the second job had nothing to do with it…”
So I guess someone who makes 12 dollars an hour is too rich for medicaid now.
This is a problem affecting me, but it’s a bigger problem thats going to affect millions. I don’t have money to go out and pay $400 a month for health insurance.
I’m not even making my bills now as it is. Rent’s going to go up in July. Yet somehow I don’t qualify for food stamps, or now even medicaide.
You think I’m alone? You think the medical industry isn’t about to collapse on itself? Imagine all these people who go to the ER. And then get billed 3 million dollars. No I’m NOT exaggerating. I got a statement that said “this is not a bill”. It showed my services used. In a 3 month period, I was over 1 million dollars. I’ve been doing this since 2023. I’m fairly sure my total is closer to 5 million dollars.
Now…imagine they try to collect that.
Most they could do is arrest me. So now you got millions of prisoners. In a 1 year period. Where are you going to put them?
So, more likely they won’t arrest, but they won’t get their money. Now compound this. Millions of people all rendering services, which are now emergancy services. Which cannot be denied.
And then never paid because nobody has millions of dollars lying around.
How would the medical system NOT financially collapse?
Edit: I don’t always know how I come off to others. I typed this up angry. If it comes off as me being angry at you, I appologize. I’m not angry at you, or intending any direction at you.
I’m just angry.
Shit, I’m angry for you. You come off as totally sensible and preaching facts to the choir.
You have every right to be angry. More of us in this country need to be angry. It makes me both sad and angry that there are so many people with no empathy until something affects them personally.
You have a right to be angry. However the answer to where do you put a millon detained poeple, a labor camp. To replace the migrants we chased out of the country.
It’s just maddening and it’s no wonder you’re angry. Hope things work out better somehow for you
But the GOP is the working class party. What an evil fucking joke.
The next time I hear a PBS commentator refer to Trump as a “populist” my head is going to explode.
Everyone is about to get burned, and red states the worst. I guess congress has decided the sick and poor don’t own enough guns to worry about.
It just doesn’t make any fucking sense: They’re acting like there will be no more elections, which, OK: That’s Trump’s dream, but they’re pissing off everyone they need to pull that off. The bureaucrats, the military, and a sizable chunk of the true believers to replace the turnover that happens in authoritarian rule are needed to hold onto power.
This administration is run by business folks, who are as a rule short sighted. Thinking beyond the next 3 months is simply not done Set up sovereign wealth fund as a mechanism to embezzle “savings” and then commence the plundering and fraud.
Fascists aren’t smart.
That’s why fascism always ends up failing and fascists always end up swinging.
The two biggest examples of fascism in history - Mussolini’s Italy and Nazi Germany - went down because they were defeated militarily by a much stronger power, the United States. I suppose you could blame Hitler’s and Mussolini’s stupidity directly for picking a fight with that much stronger power, but if you’re thinking this trend does not bode well for the current fascists, who is the much stronger military power that they’re going to stupidly pick a fight with and be defeated by? Hitler and Mussolini were absolutely never defeated by internal resistance, even in the face of obvious military catastrophe and around-the-clock bombing of civilian populations.
Americans have a lot of guns.
These fascists are stupid enough that they’re going to significantly degrade the quality of life of their own supporters, many of whom have guns. I know it’ll take serious suffering before a MAGAt realizes their mistake, but everyone has a line. I’ve been seeing some pretty angry conservatives who lost their federal jobs and aren’t too happy with Daddy Trump anymore. That trend is only going to continue.
And I doubt they’d be much smarter in warfare. Big military, but size doesn’t always matter if you’re too stupid to shift your weight properly.
And also, the people have closets full of guns right now but give it a year or two of hard times and I bet a whole lot of guns are on the market.
Americans are going to be totally fucked if they’re not a part of the .01% of oligarchs now running this country and part of Trumps cabinet.
It’s a tried and true model. It also has tried and true historic results, for the populace…and eventually the powerful.
I’ve never been one to revel in the misery of others, but…. I am now.
I have not one ounce of sympathy for the suffering they will cause for themselves, but I do feel a tremendous weight of sadness for those that did everything they could to try and stop is from happening and still have to suffer along-side those losers.
Keep in mind that millions of kids are also on Medicaid. The adults should know better, but I feel for the kids.
I’m kinda wondering where these insurance or healthcare companies are at. This is literally taking billions out of their pocket as people will just go without healthcare and/or die.
I guess they’re looking out for their personal tax rate instead of caring about their business or who they serve. Foolish for be to be surprised, but it just seems so short sighted.
It’s a slippery, accelerative slope. Companies never would have price gouged the way they did during and after COVID 30 years ago; they didn’t have the technology, data and also lack of fear of antitrust. Each new cohort gets worse in company practices and voila!
Everyone always also sees themselves on the lifeboat, not being the one who pays the piper. Just like the 70% of lottery players who think they will win.
Trump? Short sighted? It cannot be!, check your math again
/s in case it wasn’t on the nose enough
Hospitals can shutter wings and furlough staff, it is the safety net systems that will be hit hardest.
Maybe we shouldn’t fuck around with not voting or voting 3rd party in presidential elections so the dumbest among us don’t get to keep calling the shots.
When the vote is either voting for status quo or voting for something worse, that’s not a fair vote, it’s one made under duress
Voting under duress seems like a better option than not voting though
Except the status quo loses. We can argue all day that status quo is better than the alternative but that doesn’t win elections. There is no amount of pressure or bullying or arguing that makes that a winning election strategy.
At that point, it’s the fault of the status quo party for not moving off that status quo. It’s the fault of party leadership for not shifting to progressive change and instead saying “steady as she goes”
Sure, yeah, whatever, place blame where you want to. Doesn’t change the fact that “getting to vote” is better than “not getting to vote”
Brother in Christ, how many elections do the Dems need to lose before it’s their fault for running the same status quo handbook? Do you actually give a shit about trying to fix anything, place blame on the decision makers who have a choice, or so you just want to grand stand on a vague general population and rage against human nature resulting in low voter turnout that literally nobody can solve? We can be mad together that people didn’t come out to vote, but ultimately we can’t change that. So what the fuck do you want?
I think you misunderstand me. We likely aren’t getting the chance to vote again. That’s my point, that’s it. I’m not trying to place blame, I’m not trying to fix anything, I’m not raging or grandstanding, I’m merely making a prediction. Which is that because Trump won the election, that’s the last real election we’ll have.
Well yes but that’s the problem, we need to think outside the box, revolutions are seen as a thing of the past but maybe everyone could learn from the french
Someone hasn’t read a history book it seems. Please, enlighten us about how that revolution turned out.
I believe Robespierre had lead a period of time known as the “reign of good times and normal vibes” where they all formed committees to talk out and mediate the the problems of the system they lived under.
I lol’d
Only someone with no knowledge of pre revolution France would say this.
The point is that a revolution didn’t make things any better overall. It just sucked in different ways.
It ultimately gave us the ideals that would go on to end monarchism in Europe. It killed the French monarchy legitimacy until it was ultimately destroyed.
Once again, only if you know nothing about the French revolution would you say that.
So any revolution against aristocracy obviosly leads to a Bonaparte, is your theory huh. ok.
Yep, I made a blanket statement about every revolution that has ever existed… Of course I didn’t say that, why are you putting words in my mouth? The French Revolution ended poorly for most in the following 40 years. That’s what I said.
Did someone prevent you from voting in the primaries? Or running in the primaries if you didn’t like the people running?
The candidates don’t just magically appear on the ballot. What you’re complaining about is “the majority of people didn’t want something as progressive as I did so it was duress”.
“I’m not getting my way so it’s not fair” resonates about as much as “the election was stolen because my guy didn’t win”. Do you have the right to not vote at all? Sure. But then don’t say a fucking thing when the world around you is collapsing becuase the other guy is inifnitely worse than what you were too proud or stubborn to vote for.
Progressives who refuse to vote for a moderate because “compromise is a four letter word” are as bad or worse than the tea party morons who started the republican party down the path of fascism.
I’m not saying you’re wrong when I say that 70 million dumb fucks still voted for this, allegedly.
Stop chastising people for not compromising their morals by voting for a party they don’t fully agree with.
Voting 3rd party is not the same thing as not voting; but god forbid somebody disagree with you I guess
Also the fuck won by a landslide anyways
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So a big shoutout to the dipshits who didn’t vote and voted 3rd party for making this fucking dipshit timeline exist.
pretty sure the only votes that elect a president are votes for that president.
They betrayed America by allowing a felon rapist conman who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election to become our leader, and now we’re seeing the negative effects of that.
everyone who failed to stop it, including those who voted with you, allowed it to happen. and you are allowing it to continue. step up and stop it.
everyone who failed to stop it, including those who voted with you, allowed it to happen. and you are allowing it to continue. step up and stop it.
Sorry bud. But voting against it isn’t allowing it to happen. It’s the opposite. I’m not going to take responsibility for dumbfucks and racists that I vote against.
It sounds like you’re asking me to violently oppose them. How about you violently oppose them? Lot easier said than done.
you allowed it, and you continue to allow it. calling others names won’t change that.
Dude, shut the fuck up. Obviously people know that a 3rd party president will never make it to office; and that’s not the fucking point. Its about voicing your opinion; and to blame trump winning on the people who voted third party when it was clearly because the Democratic party fumbled and put forth a candidate that was not elected is incredibly disingenuous. This “your either with us or against us” bullshit is part of why the Democrats lost 2024
Obviously people know that a 3rd party president will never make it to office; and that’s not the fucking point.
Then what’s the point, dumbfuck?
What’s the point of voting for someone that can’t win, and therefore, can’t accomplish anything?
and to blame trump winning on the people who voted third party
Why wouldn’t I? Voting 3rd party for president is STUPID AS FUCK, and all it accomplished was putting Trump, an anti-democratic felon rapist, closer to the Oval Office. Any dipshit gambling with our future to vote 3rd party in a presidential race deserves to be called what they are. A dumbfuck.
Well you see, the point is to voice that you do not wish to support either party. There is no “gambling” here, because there is no shot in hell I’m going to vote between a Nazi and an unelected figurehead for a political party that promises they care about me or my people when in reality they just pretend they do just to get us to vote for them.
Positively fucking crazy how I’m evil for not voting for (effectively) the same administration that allowed Texas to put razor wire in a river that is firmly Mexican territory. Positively fucking crazy that I didn’t want to vote for that, my fucking bad.
I’m sorry for not disregarding my morals so you can feel better about yourself for helping to elect some shitstain who will preach acceptance and tolerance while removing Palestine from the map; I’m sorry for not wanting to vote for someone who will do fucking nothing to change the broken system that got us here in the first place.
The point of voting third party is to voice your discontent with the system. I’m sorry if me refusing to say “yeah I don’t like Nazis” loud enough by voting for someone I don’t agree with hurts YOUR chances of looking good by “helping get the good guy into office” you virtue signalling prick
Go fuck yourself.
Jill Stein, who magically appears right before every election, then magically disappears again afterward.
this is just misinformation.
God forbid any candidate for president ever take any responsibility at all for their own loss. Its not like they made a single decision leading to that loss, right.
This is ancient history now bud, and history wont be kind to your ilk. Beyond that, your shtick is so tired and boring.
and history wont be kind to your ilk.
You mean reasonable people that voted against this stupid fucking timeline?
Not exactly sure what you’re implying. It kind of sounds like you’re just whining into the void.
It kind of sounds like you’re just whining into the void.
Says the long post, all caps and triple excalamtion quote commenter. Ok buddy. Lets be a little more self aware, eh?
Maybe the dem leadership shouldnt fuck around with acting like republican lites while committing crimes against humanity also while expecting to run and win as a democrat?!?
Maybe they shouldnt be that arrogant and stupid, and maybe you shouldnt carry their water. Maybe, maybe maybe.
I really want to read stories about other things getting slashed than the medicaid budget. These reptiles are monsters
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