What’s going on in your life?

  • DaveWave94
    1 year ago

    Today I finally finished up the final piece of furniture for the renovation of my hallway (german hallways, especially in apartments like mine, are just small corridors where you leave your shoes, jackets and hats). It’s a project that I started during my two weeks of paid leave to stop going insane. Nice to see that even someone like me, who isn’t a skilled/talented craftsman, can put some furniture items together without them looking as horrific as Homer Simpson’s Barbecue pit 😅

    On a more serious note, I should try to take up more hobbies. A lack of social contacts currently tends to pull me down into a negative spiral…

      • DaveWave94
        1 year ago

        Yeah, assembled is the right word instead of ‘built’ 😅
        Yep, like one of those Ikea kits where you just need a screwdriver. But from some chinese company off amazon. Surprisingly, it’s very sturdy for that.

    • PorkButtsNTaters666
      1 year ago

      On a more serious note, I should try to take up more hobbies. A lack of social contacts currently tends to pull me down into a negative spiral…

      Some group sports might be good. By the way, how’s your recovery from surgery going? Everything back to normal?

      • DaveWave94
        1 year ago

        My inguinal hernia repair was quite some time ago. I opted for the minimally invasive surgery and they did a great job - it’s basically like I never had a hernia. However, it definitely took a toll on me mentally - I still am a bit uneasy about picking up heavy objects despite now having a mesh inside there. I fear that the other side might tear one day too…

        Unfortunately group sports don’t really interest me and even if there’d be any that I could take part in, the training and events would definitely clash with the shifts that I work in nursing.

          • DaveWave94
            1 year ago

            No worries. I suck at using and maintaining straight razors, something I learnt during the Lather Games of 2022. Can’t hone worth sh*t 😅 Wetshaving is nice as an ADHD-friendly hobby, however… new shiny soap with a cool label? Awesome, gotta buy it! Stainless steel, brass, aluminium razors? Great, such variety! Vintage razor hunting? I’m in! Combining soaps, post shave and fragrances for a unique scent combo? Wonderful!

            However, I used to do powerlifting in pre-pandemic times; which is basically weightlifting for fat athletes. So yeah, something sports wise would be fun again. I might look into hiking and trekking, as that’s something that speaks to me.