What’s going on in your life?

  • DaveWave94
    11 months ago

    A lot is going on atm:

    Since Monday, the cold is back with vengeance. I was able to keep it under control, despite the odds; many of my classmates weren’t so lucky and actually got a fever or tested positive for C19. We were only a handful of people since today.

    One of the representatives of my school talked to the head of my prospective new nursing home on Wednesday; I only heard that the talk was very positive today, tried to call them but unfortunately none of the people in charge are currently present to negotiate about my day of trial basis work. My colleagues haven’t heard about their applications either, so I suppose the higher-ups either also have to deal with sickness or some meetings to attend. I was told to call again on Tuesday, which I’ll definitely do… since I want to offer them to do my trial day either on Wednesday or Saturday.

    The thing is, the constant insecurity keeps me on edge. My mother has also gotten Covid again on top of all things so I also need to be the emotional support (and grocery shopper) for my parents now. Folks, I’d certainly appreciate more quiet times… But let’s hope everything will turn out alright. ✌🏻